; ; Campaign script ; script ; --------------------- ; counters declare_counter ojibwa_points declare_counter tools_stolen declare_counter europe_points declare_counter apache_points declare_counter tlingit_points declare_counter muscogee_points declare_counter cree_points declare_counter mikmaq_points declare_counter iroquois_points declare_counter denaina_points declare_counter beothuk_points declare_counter inuit_points declare_counter sioux_points declare_counter shoshone_points declare_counter anasazi_points declare_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed declare_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed declare_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed declare_counter apache_gunpowder_killed declare_counter apache_cavalry_killed declare_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed declare_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed declare_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed declare_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed declare_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed declare_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed declare_counter cree_gunpowder_killed declare_counter cree_cavalry_killed declare_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed declare_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed declare_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed declare_counter sioux_cavalry_killed declare_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed declare_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed declare_counter hopi_points declare_counter blackfoot_points declare_counter ute_points declare_counter comanche_points declare_counter goshute_points ; --------------------- ; start up monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal historic_event beginning true restrict_strat_radar false terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event ButtonPressed ButtonPressed end_turn log always EndTurnPressed end_monitor ;----------------- CASH FOR AI ----------------; monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType denmark and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money denmark 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType mongols and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money mongols 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType milan and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money milan 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType hungary and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money hungary 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType egypt and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money egypt 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType sicily and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money sicily 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType moors and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money moors 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType byzantium and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money byzantium 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType hre and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money hre 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType poland and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money poland 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType scotland and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money scotland 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType turks and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money turks 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType venice and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money venice 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType aztecs and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money aztecs 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType timurids and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money timurids 2000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType papal_states and LosingMoney and Treasury < 0 add_money papal_states 2000 end_monitor ;----------------- MORE CASH FOR AI ----------------; monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType denmark and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money denmark 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType mongols and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money mongols 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType milan and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money milan 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType hungary and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money hungary 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType egypt and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money egypt 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType sicily and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money sicily 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType moors and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money moors 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType poland and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money poland 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType byzantium and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money byzantium 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType hre and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money hre 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType scotland and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money scotland 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType turks and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money turks 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType venice and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money venice 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType aztecs and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money aztecs 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType timurids and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money timurids 7000 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType papal_states and LosingMoney and Treasury < -5000 add_money papal_states 7000 end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Goshute Points ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_TurnNumber = 1 historic_event shoshone_advice true factions { scotland, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;; Take Settlement ;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = scotland inc_counter goshute_points 20 terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;; Counter - any shoshone missile units recruited monitor_event UnitTrained FactionType scotland and TrainedUnitClass missile inc_counter goshute_points 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - any shoshone infantry units recruited monitor_event UnitTrained FactionType scotland and TrainedUnitCategory infantry inc_counter goshute_points 1 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Victory (Odds >=1) ;;;;;;; monitor_event PostBattle FactionType scotland and WonBattle and BattleOdds >= 1 inc_counter goshute_points 1 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Victory (Odds 0.5-1) ;;;;;;; monitor_event PostBattle FactionType scotland and WonBattle and BattleOdds >= 0.5 and BattleOdds < 1 inc_counter goshute_points 2 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Victory (Odds <0.5) ;;;;;;; monitor_event PostBattle FactionType scotland and WonBattle and BattleOdds < 0.5 inc_counter goshute_points 3 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter goshute_points >= 30 historic_event goshute_friendship true factions { scotland, } add_money scotland 5000 terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter goshute_points >= 120 historic_event goshute_alliance true factions { scotland, } add_money scotland 7500 terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Comanche and Ute Points ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; Take Settlement ;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = scotland inc_counter comanche_points -30 inc_counter ute_points 30 terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;; Take Settlement ;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = scotland inc_counter comanche_points 20 inc_counter ute_points -20 terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;; Capture Settlement ;;;;;;; monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType scotland inc_counter comanche_points 5 inc_counter ute_points -5 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType scotland inc_counter comanche_points 5 inc_counter ute_points -5 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType scotland inc_counter comanche_points 5 inc_counter ute_points -5 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Treasury >20000 ;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 20000 inc_counter ute_points 1 inc_counter comanche_points -1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 30000 inc_counter ute_points 2 inc_counter comanche_points -2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 40000 inc_counter ute_points 3 inc_counter comanche_points -3 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 50000 inc_counter ute_points 4 inc_counter comanche_points -4 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 60000 inc_counter ute_points 5 inc_counter comanche_points -5 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 70000 inc_counter ute_points 6 inc_counter comanche_points -6 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 80000 inc_counter ute_points 7 inc_counter comanche_points -7 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 90000 inc_counter ute_points 8 inc_counter comanche_points -8 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and Treasury > 100000 inc_counter ute_points 9 inc_counter comanche_points -9 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter comanche_points >= 40 historic_event comanche_friendship true factions { scotland, } inc_counter ute_points -3000 add_money scotland 5000 terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter comanche_points >= 120 historic_event comanche_alliance true factions { scotland, } add_money scotland 7500 terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter ute_points >= 40 historic_event ute_friendship true factions { scotland, } inc_counter comanche_points -3000 add_money scotland 5000 terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter ute_points >= 120 historic_event ute_alliance true factions { scotland, } add_money scotland 7500 terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Blackfoot and Hopi Points ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; Take Settlement ;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points 25 inc_counter hopi_points -25 terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;; Take Settlement ;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points -25 inc_counter hopi_points 25 historic_event blackfoot_friendship true factions { scotland, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;; Destroy Faction ;;;;;;; monitor_event LeaderDestroyedFaction FactionType scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points 30 inc_counter hopi_points -30 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Kill Family Member ;;;;;;; monitor_event AssassinationMission MissionSucceeded and FactionType scotland and AgentType = family inc_counter blackfoot_points 5 inc_counter hopi_points -5 end_monitor ;;; Alliances monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction hre = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction denmark = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction mongols = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction milan = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction hungary = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction egypt = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction sicily = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction moors = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction poland = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction byzantium = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction turks = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction venice = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction aztecs = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction timurids = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and DiplomaticStanceFromFaction papal_states = Allied inc_counter blackfoot_points -1 inc_counter hopi_points 1 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Execute prisoners ;;;;;;; monitor_event GeneralPrisonersRansomedCaptor RansomType execute and FactionType scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points 2 inc_counter hopi_points -2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor RansomType execute and FactionType scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points 5 inc_counter hopi_points -5 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Release prisoners ;;;;;;; monitor_event GeneralPrisonersRansomedCaptor RansomType release and FactionType scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points -2 inc_counter hopi_points 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor RansomType release and FactionType scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points -5 inc_counter hopi_points 5 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Exterminate Settlement ;;;;;;; monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points 4 inc_counter hopi_points -4 end_monitor ;;;;;;; Occupy Settlement ;;;;;;; monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType scotland inc_counter blackfoot_points -4 inc_counter hopi_points 4 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter blackfoot_points >= 40 historic_event blackfoot_friendship true factions { scotland, } inc_counter hopi_points -3000 add_money scotland 5000 terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter blackfoot_points >= 120 historic_event blackfoot_alliance true factions { scotland, } add_money scotland 7500 terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter hopi_points >= 40 historic_event hopi_friendship true factions { scotland, } inc_counter blackfoot_points -3000 add_money scotland 5000 terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter hopi_points >= 120 historic_event hopi_alliance true factions { scotland, } add_money scotland 7500 terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Shoshone horses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Shoshone beat army with cavalry monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction scotland and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 0 inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Shoshone take cities with stables monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= stables factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_tipi factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_log_cabins factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wickiup factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wetu factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_longhouse factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wiquom factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_kova factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter shoshone_cavalry_killed >= 10 historic_event Shoshone_horses_1 true factions { scotland, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Shoshone guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Shoshone beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction scotland and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Shoshone take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { scotland, } inc_counter shoshone_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter shoshone_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Shoshone_guns_1 true factions { scotland, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sioux horses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Sioux beat army with cavalry monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction turks and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 0 inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Sioux take cities with stables monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= stables factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= comanche_settlement factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= ute_settlement factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_log_cabins factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wickiup factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wetu factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_longhouse factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wiquom factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_kova factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and I_CompareCounter sioux_cavalry_killed >= 10 historic_event Sioux_horses_1 true factions { turks, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and I_CompareCounter sioux_cavalry_killed >= 15 historic_event Sioux_horses_2 true factions { turks, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and I_CompareCounter sioux_cavalry_killed >= 20 historic_event Sioux_horses_3 true factions { turks, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sioux guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Sioux beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction turks and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Sioux take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { turks, } inc_counter sioux_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and I_CompareCounter sioux_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Sioux_guns_1 true factions { turks, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType turks and I_CompareCounter sioux_gunpowder_killed >= 20 historic_event Sioux_guns_2 true factions { turks, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Muscogee horses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Muscogee beat army with cavalry monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction poland and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 0 inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Muscogee take cities with stables monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= stables factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= comanche_settlement factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= ute_settlement factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_tipi factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wickiup factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wetu factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_longhouse factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wiquom factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_kova factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and I_CompareCounter muscogee_cavalry_killed >= 10 historic_event Muscogee_horses_1 true factions { poland, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Muscogee guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Muscogee beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction poland and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Muscogee take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { poland, } inc_counter muscogee_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType poland and I_CompareCounter muscogee_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Muscogee_guns_1 true factions { poland, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cree horses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Cree beat army with cavalry monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction milan and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 0 inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Cree take cities with stables monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= stables factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= comanche_settlement factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= ute_settlement factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_tipi factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_log_cabins factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wetu factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_longhouse factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wiquom factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_kova factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and I_CompareCounter cree_cavalry_killed >= 10 historic_event Cree_horses_1 true factions { milan, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cree guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Cree beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction milan and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Cree take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { milan, } inc_counter cree_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType milan and I_CompareCounter cree_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Cree_guns_1 true factions { milan, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Iroquois horses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Iroquois beat army with cavalry monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction egypt and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 0 inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Iroquois take cities with stables monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= stables factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= comanche_settlement factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= ute_settlement factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_tipi factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_log_cabins factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wetu factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wickiup factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wiquom factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_kova factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and I_CompareCounter iroquois_cavalry_killed >= 10 historic_event Iroquois_horses_1 true factions { egypt, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Iroquois guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Iroquois beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction egypt and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Iroquois take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { egypt, } inc_counter iroquois_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and I_CompareCounter iroquois_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Iroquois_guns_1 true factions { egypt, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ojibwa horses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Ojibwa beat army with cavalry monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction hungary and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 0 inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Ojibwa take cities with stables monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= stables factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= comanche_settlement factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= ute_settlement factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_tipi factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_log_cabins factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_longhouse factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wickiup factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wiquom factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_kova factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and I_CompareCounter ojibwa_cavalry_killed >= 10 historic_event Ojibwa_horses_1 true factions { hungary, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ojibwa guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Ojibwa beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction hungary and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Ojibwa take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { hungary, } inc_counter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hungary and I_CompareCounter ojibwa_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Ojibwa_guns_1 true factions { hungary, } set_faction_standing hungary denmark 5.9 set_faction_standing denmark hungary 5.9 console_command diplomatic_stance hungary denmark neutral terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mikmaq horses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Mikmaq beat army with cavalry monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction sicily and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 0 inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Mikmaq take cities with stables monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= stables factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= comanche_settlement factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= ute_settlement factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_tipi factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_log_cabins factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_longhouse factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wickiup factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wetu factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_kova factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and I_CompareCounter mikmaq_cavalry_killed >= 10 historic_event Mikmaq_horses_1 true factions { sicily, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Mikmaq guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Mikmaq beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction sicily and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Mikmaq take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { sicily, } inc_counter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType sicily and I_CompareCounter mikmaq_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Mikmaq_guns_1 true factions { sicily, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Apachean horses ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Apache beat army with cavalry monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction mongols and PercentageUnitCategory cavalry > 0 inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Apache take cities with stables monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= stables factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= comanche_settlement factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= ute_settlement factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_tipi factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_log_cabins factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_longhouse factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wickiup factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wiquom factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= horse_wetu factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_cavalry_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter apache_cavalry_killed >= 10 historic_event Apache_horses_1 true factions { mongols, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Apachean guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Apache beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction mongols and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Apache take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { mongols, } inc_counter apache_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter apache_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Apache_guns_1 true factions { mongols, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tlingit guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Tlingit beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction venice and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Tlingit take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { venice, } inc_counter tlingit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType venice and I_CompareCounter tlingit_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Tlingit_guns_1 true factions { venice, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Inuit guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Inuit beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction aztecs and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Inuit take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_barabora factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { aztecs, } inc_counter inuit_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType aztecs and I_CompareCounter inuit_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Inuit_guns_1 true factions { aztecs, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Denaina guns ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Counter - Denaina beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction timurids and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 1 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Denaina take cities with gunpowder production monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gunsmith factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_plankhouse factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_iglu factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_kova factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= goshute_settlement factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= blackfoot_settlement factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= hopi_settlement factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_tipi factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_mound factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wickiup factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= trade_outpost factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_looters_pithouse factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wetu factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= gun_wiquom factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and FactionBuildingExists >= european_hogan factions { timurids, } inc_counter denaina_gunpowder_killed 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType timurids and I_CompareCounter denaina_gunpowder_killed >= 10 historic_event Denaina_guns_1 true factions { timurids, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Anasazi ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = hre inc_counter anasazi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = hre inc_counter anasazi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = hre inc_counter anasazi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Taos = hre inc_counter anasazi_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter anasazi_points >= 10 historic_event anasazi_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Shoshone ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = hre inc_counter shoshone_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = hre inc_counter shoshone_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter shoshone_points >= 10 historic_event shoshone_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Sioux ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = hre inc_counter sioux_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = hre inc_counter sioux_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = hre inc_counter sioux_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter sioux_points >= 10 historic_event sioux_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Inuit ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = hre inc_counter inuit_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = hre inc_counter inuit_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = hre inc_counter inuit_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = hre inc_counter inuit_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = hre inc_counter inuit_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter inuit_points >= 10 historic_event inuit_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Beothuk ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = hre inc_counter beothuk_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = hre inc_counter beothuk_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = hre inc_counter beothuk_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter beothuk_points >= 10 historic_event beothuk_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Denaina ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = hre inc_counter denaina_points 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter denaina_points >= 10 historic_event denaina_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Iroquois ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = hre inc_counter iroquois_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = hre inc_counter iroquois_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter iroquois_points >= 10 historic_event iroquois_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Mikmaq ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = hre inc_counter mikmaq_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = hre inc_counter mikmaq_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = hre inc_counter mikmaq_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter mikmaq_points >= 10 historic_event mikmaq_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Cree ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = hre inc_counter cree_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = hre inc_counter cree_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = hre inc_counter cree_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = hre inc_counter cree_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter cree_points >= 10 historic_event cree_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Muscogee ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = hre inc_counter muscogee_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = hre inc_counter muscogee_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = hre inc_counter muscogee_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter muscogee_points >= 10 historic_event muscogee_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Tlingit ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = hre inc_counter tlingit_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = hre inc_counter tlingit_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter tlingit_points >= 10 historic_event tlingit_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Apache ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = hre inc_counter apache_points 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter apache_points >= 10 historic_event apache_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Ojibwa ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = hre inc_counter ojibwa_points 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = hre inc_counter ojibwa_points 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = hre inc_counter ojibwa_points 2 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter apache_points >= 10 historic_event apache_copied true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Navajo copiyng Europeans ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = hre inc_counter europe_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = hre inc_counter europe_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = hre inc_counter europe_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = hre inc_counter europe_points 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter europe_points >= 10 historic_event Europeans_copied_1 true factions { hre, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Beothuk thefts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType moors and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = moors inc_counter tools_stolen 5 end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle not I_WonBattle denmark and I_WonBattle moors inc_counter tools_stolen 10 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType moors and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = moors inc_counter tools_stolen 40 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType moors and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = moors inc_counter tools_stolen 40 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType moors and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = moors inc_counter tools_stolen 40 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType moors and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = moors inc_counter tools_stolen 40 end_monitor ;;; Counter - Beothuk beat army with gunpowder units monitor_event PostBattle not WonBattle and GeneralFoughtFaction moors and PercentageUnitAttribute gunpowder_unit > 0 inc_counter tools_stolen 1500 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType moors and I_CompareCounter tools_stolen >= 105 historic_event Beothuk_loot_1 true factions { moors, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType moors and I_CompareCounter tools_stolen >= 205 historic_event Beothuk_loot_2 true factions { moors, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType moors and I_CompareCounter tools_stolen >= 10000 historic_event Beothuk_loot_2 true factions { moors, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hiawatha ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and I_TurnNumber = 70 increment_kings_purse egypt 1500 historic_event Hiawatha_Prophecy true spawn_army faction egypt character Daheynoveida, named character, age 46, x 193, y 31 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 2 ,GoodTrader 3, PublicFaith 4, TouchedByTheGods 3, Loyal 3, NaturalMilitarySkill 2 unit Iroquois Bodyguard exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mohawk warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType egypt and I_TurnNumber = 80 increment_kings_purse egypt 3500 add_money egypt 12500 historic_event Hiawatha_arrived true spawn_army faction egypt character Hiawatha, named character, age 20, x 218, y 50 traits GoodCommander 5 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 3 ,GoodTrader 2, PublicFaith 4, Just 2, Rabblerouser 4, HaleAndHearty 3, NaturalMilitarySkill 4, StrategyChivalry 4, Brave 3, Loyal 3, Energetic 3, Sobriety 1 unit Iroquois Bodyguard exp 9 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hiawatha braves exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hiawatha braves exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hiawatha braves exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hiawatha braves exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mohawk warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mohawk warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction egypt character Chaiabaiabos, named character, age 19, x 220, y 53 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 2 ,GoodTrader 1, PublicFaith 3, Just 2, Rabblerouser 4, NaturalMilitarySkill 4, Energetic 2, Brave 4, Loyal 3, Gregarious 3 unit Iroquois Bodyguard exp 8 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hiawatha braves exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mohawk warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mohawk warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction egypt character Quasind, named character, age 18, x 216, y 50 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 , PublicFaith 3, Just 1, HaleAndHearty 3, NaturalMilitarySkill 3, Energetic 2, Brave 5, Loyal 3, BattleScarred 1, LaxPersonalSecurity 3 unit Iroquois Bodyguard exp 8 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hiawatha braves exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mohawk warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mohawk warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cayuga warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit seneca warriors exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 6 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sacrifice ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; Sacrifice Settlement (Exterminate) ;;;;;;; monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType poland change_population_religion poland heretic 3 catholic change_population_religion poland heretic 3 islam change_population_religion poland heretic 3 orthodox change_population_religion poland heretic 3 pagan end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType byzantium change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 catholic change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 islam change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 orthodox change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 pagan end_monitor ;;;;;;; Raid Settlement (Sack) ;;;;;;; monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType poland change_population_religion poland heretic 1 catholic change_population_religion poland heretic 1 islam change_population_religion poland heretic 1 orthodox change_population_religion poland heretic 1 pagan end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType byzantium change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 catholic change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 islam change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 orthodox change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 pagan end_monitor ;;;;;;; Sacrifice Unit (Disband) ;;;;;;; monitor_event UnitDisbanded FactionType poland change_population_religion poland heretic 3 catholic change_population_religion poland heretic 3 islam change_population_religion poland heretic 3 orthodox change_population_religion poland heretic 3 pagan end_monitor monitor_event UnitDisbanded FactionType byzantium change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 catholic change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 islam change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 orthodox change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 pagan end_monitor ;;;;;;; Hold Sacrifices (Races) ;;;;;;; monitor_event GovernorThrowRaces FactionType poland change_population_religion poland heretic 1 catholic change_population_religion poland heretic 1 islam change_population_religion poland heretic 1 orthodox change_population_religion poland heretic 1 pagan end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowRaces FactionType byzantium change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 catholic change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 islam change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 orthodox change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 pagan end_monitor ;;;;;;; Hold Dances (Games) ;;;;;;; monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType turks change_population_religion turks islam 1 pagan change_population_religion turks islam 1 catholic change_population_religion turks islam 1 orthodox change_population_religion turks islam 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType scotland change_population_religion scotland islam 1 pagan change_population_religion scotland islam 1 catholic change_population_religion scotland islam 1 orthodox change_population_religion scotland islam 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType hre change_population_religion hre islam 1 pagan change_population_religion hre islam 1 catholic change_population_religion hre islam 1 orthodox change_population_religion hre islam 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType mongols change_population_religion mongols islam 1 pagan change_population_religion mongols islam 1 catholic change_population_religion mongols islam 1 orthodox change_population_religion mongols islam 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType milan change_population_religion milan catholic 1 pagan change_population_religion milan catholic 1 islam change_population_religion milan catholic 1 orthodox change_population_religion milan catholic 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType hungary change_population_religion hungary catholic 1 pagan change_population_religion hungary catholic 1 islam change_population_religion hungary catholic 1 orthodox change_population_religion hungary catholic 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType egypt change_population_religion egypt catholic 1 pagan change_population_religion egypt catholic 1 islam change_population_religion egypt catholic 1 orthodox change_population_religion egypt catholic 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType moors change_population_religion moors catholic 1 pagan change_population_religion moors catholic 1 islam change_population_religion moors catholic 1 orthodox change_population_religion moors catholic 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType sicily change_population_religion sicily catholic 1 pagan change_population_religion sicily catholic 1 islam change_population_religion sicily catholic 1 orthodox change_population_religion sicily catholic 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType papal_states change_population_religion papal_states catholic 1 pagan change_population_religion papal_states catholic 1 islam change_population_religion papal_states catholic 1 orthodox change_population_religion papal_states catholic 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType aztecs change_population_religion aztecs pagan 1 catholic change_population_religion aztecs pagan 1 islam change_population_religion aztecs pagan 1 orthodox change_population_religion aztecs pagan 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType venice change_population_religion venice pagan 1 catholic change_population_religion venice pagan 1 islam change_population_religion venice pagan 1 orthodox change_population_religion venice pagan 1 heretic end_monitor monitor_event GovernorThrowGames FactionType timurids change_population_religion timurids pagan 1 catholic change_population_religion timurids pagan 1 islam change_population_religion timurids pagan 1 orthodox change_population_religion timurids pagan 1 heretic end_monitor ;;;;;;; Sacrifice Enemies (Execute) ;;;;;;; monitor_event GeneralPrisonersRansomedCaptor RansomType execute and FactionType poland change_population_religion poland heretic 1 catholic change_population_religion poland heretic 1 islam change_population_religion poland heretic 1 orthodox change_population_religion poland heretic 1 pagan end_monitor monitor_event FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor RansomType execute and FactionType poland change_population_religion poland heretic 3 catholic change_population_religion poland heretic 3 islam change_population_religion poland heretic 3 orthodox change_population_religion poland heretic 3 pagan end_monitor monitor_event GeneralPrisonersRansomedCaptor RansomType execute and FactionType byzantium change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 catholic change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 islam change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 orthodox change_population_religion byzantium heretic 1 pagan end_monitor monitor_event FactionLeaderPrisonersRansomedCaptor RansomType execute and FactionType byzantium change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 catholic change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 islam change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 orthodox change_population_religion byzantium heretic 3 pagan end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; European Techs ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 34 historic_event viking_age_end true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 47 historic_event First_Crusade true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 48 historic_event Godakirkja true factions { denmark, } spawn_army faction denmark character Toke, general, age 20, x 300, y 120 unit Armored Clergy exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Armored Clergy exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Armored Clergy exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Armored Clergy exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Armored Clergy exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 66 historic_event First_Windmill true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 72 historic_event Science_Alchemy_Book true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 76 historic_event First_European_Paper true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 91 historic_event First_Rudder true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 92 historic_event First_Magnetic_Compass true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 101 historic_event First_Wheelbarrow true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 102 historic_event Science_Maths_Zero_Europe true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 110 increment_kings_purse denmark -1000 historic_event Sturlungaold true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 120 historic_event gunpowder_discovered event/gunpowder_invented.bik terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 131 increment_kings_purse denmark 750 historic_event Gamli_Sattmali true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 140 historic_event First_Mechanical_Clock true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 164 historic_event First_Sawmill true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 168 historic_event First_Public_Clock true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 169 historic_event Science_Weather_Forecast true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 176 historic_event First_Blast_Furnace true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 200 increment_kings_purse denmark -1500 historic_event Kalmarunionen true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 201 historic_event First_Piano true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 203 historic_event world_is_round true terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 211 historic_event First_Oil_Painting true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 223 historic_event Science_De_Docta_Ignorantia true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 228 historic_event first_printing_press true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType denmark and I_TurnNumber = 243 historic_event Columbus true factions { denmark, } terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Events for all ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_TurnNumber = 27 historic_event sn1054 true terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_TurnNumber = 157 historic_event little_ice_age true terminate_monitor end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Nunavut ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = denmark and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_iceland = 0 set_counter nunavut_iceland 1 historic_event nunavut_iceland true spawn_army faction denmark character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit dragon boat exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dragon boat exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dragon boat exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dragon boat exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dragon boat exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = denmark and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iceland = 1 set_counter nunavut_iceland 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = denmark and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iceland = 1 set_counter nunavut_iceland 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = denmark and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iceland = 1 set_counter nunavut_iceland 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = denmark and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iceland = 1 set_counter nunavut_iceland 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = denmark and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iceland = 1 set_counter nunavut_iceland 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = denmark and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iceland = 1 set_counter nunavut_iceland 0 end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = mongols and I_CompareCounter nunavut_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_apachean = 0 set_counter nunavut_apachean 1 historic_event nunavut_apachean true spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = mongols and I_CompareCounter nunavut_apachean = 1 set_counter nunavut_apachean 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = mongols and I_CompareCounter nunavut_apachean = 1 set_counter nunavut_apachean 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = mongols and I_CompareCounter nunavut_apachean = 1 set_counter nunavut_apachean 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = mongols and I_CompareCounter nunavut_apachean = 1 set_counter nunavut_apachean 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = mongols and I_CompareCounter nunavut_apachean = 1 set_counter nunavut_apachean 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = mongols and I_CompareCounter nunavut_apachean = 1 set_counter nunavut_apachean 0 end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = milan and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = milan and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = milan and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = milan and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = milan and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = milan and I_CompareCounter nunavut_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_cree = 0 set_counter nunavut_cree 1 historic_event nunavut_cree true spawn_army faction milan character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = milan and I_CompareCounter nunavut_cree = 1 set_counter nunavut_cree 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = milan and I_CompareCounter nunavut_cree = 1 set_counter nunavut_cree 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = milan and I_CompareCounter nunavut_cree = 1 set_counter nunavut_cree 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = milan and I_CompareCounter nunavut_cree = 1 set_counter nunavut_cree 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = milan and I_CompareCounter nunavut_cree = 1 set_counter nunavut_cree 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = milan and I_CompareCounter nunavut_cree = 1 set_counter nunavut_cree 0 end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = hungary and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_anishinaabe = 0 set_counter nunavut_anishinaabe 1 historic_event nunavut_anishinaabe true spawn_army faction hungary character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = hungary and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter nunavut_anishinaabe 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = hungary and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter nunavut_anishinaabe 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = hungary and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter nunavut_anishinaabe 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = hungary and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter nunavut_anishinaabe 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = hungary and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter nunavut_anishinaabe 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = hungary and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter nunavut_anishinaabe 0 end_monitor ;;; Iroqouis captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_iroqouis monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = egypt and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iroqouis = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_iroquois = 0 set_counter nunavut_iroqouis 1 historic_event nunavut_iroqouis true spawn_army faction egypt character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = egypt and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iroqouis = 1 set_counter nunavut_iroqouis 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = egypt and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iroqouis = 1 set_counter nunavut_iroqouis 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = egypt and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iroqouis = 1 set_counter nunavut_iroqouis 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = egypt and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iroqouis = 1 set_counter nunavut_iroqouis 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = egypt and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iroqouis = 1 set_counter nunavut_iroqouis 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = egypt and I_CompareCounter nunavut_iroqouis = 1 set_counter nunavut_iroqouis 0 end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = moors and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = moors and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = moors and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = moors and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = moors and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = moors and I_CompareCounter nunavut_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_beothuk = 0 set_counter nunavut_beothuk 1 historic_event nunavut_beothuk true spawn_army faction moors character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = moors and I_CompareCounter nunavut_beothuk = 1 set_counter nunavut_beothuk 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = moors and I_CompareCounter nunavut_beothuk = 1 set_counter nunavut_beothuk 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = moors and I_CompareCounter nunavut_beothuk = 1 set_counter nunavut_beothuk 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = moors and I_CompareCounter nunavut_beothuk = 1 set_counter nunavut_beothuk 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = moors and I_CompareCounter nunavut_beothuk = 1 set_counter nunavut_beothuk 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = moors and I_CompareCounter nunavut_beothuk = 1 set_counter nunavut_beothuk 0 end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = sicily and I_CompareCounter nunavut_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_mikmaq = 0 set_counter nunavut_mikmaq 1 historic_event nunavut_mikmaq true spawn_army faction sicily character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = sicily and I_CompareCounter nunavut_mikmaq = 1 set_counter nunavut_mikmaq 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = sicily and I_CompareCounter nunavut_mikmaq = 1 set_counter nunavut_mikmaq 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = sicily and I_CompareCounter nunavut_mikmaq = 1 set_counter nunavut_mikmaq 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = sicily and I_CompareCounter nunavut_mikmaq = 1 set_counter nunavut_mikmaq 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = sicily and I_CompareCounter nunavut_mikmaq = 1 set_counter nunavut_mikmaq 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = sicily and I_CompareCounter nunavut_mikmaq = 1 set_counter nunavut_mikmaq 0 end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = byzantium and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_anasazi = 0 set_counter nunavut_anasazi 1 historic_event nunavut_anasazi true spawn_army faction byzantium character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = byzantium and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anasazi = 1 set_counter nunavut_anasazi 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = byzantium and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anasazi = 1 set_counter nunavut_anasazi 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = byzantium and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anasazi = 1 set_counter nunavut_anasazi 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = byzantium and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anasazi = 1 set_counter nunavut_anasazi 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = byzantium and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anasazi = 1 set_counter nunavut_anasazi 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = byzantium and I_CompareCounter nunavut_anasazi = 1 set_counter nunavut_anasazi 0 end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = poland and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = poland and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = poland and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = poland and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = poland and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = poland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_muscogee = 0 set_counter nunavut_muscogee 1 historic_event nunavut_muscogee true spawn_army faction poland character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = poland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_muscogee = 1 set_counter nunavut_muscogee 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = poland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_muscogee = 1 set_counter nunavut_muscogee 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = poland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_muscogee = 1 set_counter nunavut_muscogee 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = poland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_muscogee = 1 set_counter nunavut_muscogee 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = poland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_muscogee = 1 set_counter nunavut_muscogee 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = poland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_muscogee = 1 set_counter nunavut_muscogee 0 end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = scotland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_shoshone = 0 set_counter nunavut_shoshone 1 historic_event nunavut_shoshone true spawn_army faction scotland character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = scotland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_shoshone = 1 set_counter nunavut_shoshone 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = scotland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_shoshone = 1 set_counter nunavut_shoshone 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = scotland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_shoshone = 1 set_counter nunavut_shoshone 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = scotland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_shoshone = 1 set_counter nunavut_shoshone 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = scotland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_shoshone = 1 set_counter nunavut_shoshone 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = scotland and I_CompareCounter nunavut_shoshone = 1 set_counter nunavut_shoshone 0 end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = turks and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = turks and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = turks and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = turks and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = turks and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = turks and I_CompareCounter nunavut_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_sioux = 0 set_counter nunavut_sioux 1 historic_event nunavut_sioux true spawn_army faction turks character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = turks and I_CompareCounter nunavut_sioux = 1 set_counter nunavut_sioux 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = turks and I_CompareCounter nunavut_sioux = 1 set_counter nunavut_sioux 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = turks and I_CompareCounter nunavut_sioux = 1 set_counter nunavut_sioux 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = turks and I_CompareCounter nunavut_sioux = 1 set_counter nunavut_sioux 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = turks and I_CompareCounter nunavut_sioux = 1 set_counter nunavut_sioux 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = turks and I_CompareCounter nunavut_sioux = 1 set_counter nunavut_sioux 0 end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = hre and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = hre and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = hre and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = hre and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = hre and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = hre and I_CompareCounter nunavut_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_navajo = 0 set_counter nunavut_navajo 1 historic_event nunavut_navajo true spawn_army faction hre character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war canoe exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = hre and I_CompareCounter nunavut_navajo = 1 set_counter nunavut_navajo 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = hre and I_CompareCounter nunavut_navajo = 1 set_counter nunavut_navajo 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = hre and I_CompareCounter nunavut_navajo = 1 set_counter nunavut_navajo 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = hre and I_CompareCounter nunavut_navajo = 1 set_counter nunavut_navajo 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = hre and I_CompareCounter nunavut_navajo = 1 set_counter nunavut_navajo 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = hre and I_CompareCounter nunavut_navajo = 1 set_counter nunavut_navajo 0 end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = venice and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = venice and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = venice and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = venice and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = venice and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = venice and I_CompareCounter nunavut_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_tlingit = 0 set_counter nunavut_tlingit 1 historic_event nunavut_tlingit true spawn_army faction venice character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit tlingit ship exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit ship exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit ship exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit ship exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit ship exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = venice and I_CompareCounter nunavut_tlingit = 1 set_counter nunavut_tlingit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = venice and I_CompareCounter nunavut_tlingit = 1 set_counter nunavut_tlingit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = venice and I_CompareCounter nunavut_tlingit = 1 set_counter nunavut_tlingit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = venice and I_CompareCounter nunavut_tlingit = 1 set_counter nunavut_tlingit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = venice and I_CompareCounter nunavut_tlingit = 1 set_counter nunavut_tlingit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = venice and I_CompareCounter nunavut_tlingit = 1 set_counter nunavut_tlingit 0 end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = aztecs and I_CompareCounter nunavut_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_inuit = 0 set_counter nunavut_inuit 1 historic_event nunavut_inuit true spawn_army faction aztecs character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = aztecs and I_CompareCounter nunavut_inuit = 1 set_counter nunavut_inuit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = aztecs and I_CompareCounter nunavut_inuit = 1 set_counter nunavut_inuit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = aztecs and I_CompareCounter nunavut_inuit = 1 set_counter nunavut_inuit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = aztecs and I_CompareCounter nunavut_inuit = 1 set_counter nunavut_inuit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = aztecs and I_CompareCounter nunavut_inuit = 1 set_counter nunavut_inuit 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = aztecs and I_CompareCounter nunavut_inuit = 1 set_counter nunavut_inuit 0 end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Nunavut declare_counter nunavut_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Umanak = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Salliit = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = timurids and I_CompareCounter nunavut_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter nunavut_denaina = 0 set_counter nunavut_denaina 1 historic_event nunavut_denaina true spawn_army faction timurids character random_name, admiral, age 26, x 308, y 136 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit umiak exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Gardar = timurids and I_CompareCounter nunavut_denaina = 1 set_counter nunavut_denaina 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Umanak = timurids and I_CompareCounter nunavut_denaina = 1 set_counter nunavut_denaina 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Salliit = timurids and I_CompareCounter nunavut_denaina = 1 set_counter nunavut_denaina 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Sanikiluak = timurids and I_CompareCounter nunavut_denaina = 1 set_counter nunavut_denaina 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Iqaluit = timurids and I_CompareCounter nunavut_denaina = 1 set_counter nunavut_denaina 0 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Akimiski = timurids and I_CompareCounter nunavut_denaina = 1 set_counter nunavut_denaina 0 end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Furdustrandir ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = denmark and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = denmark and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 0 increment_kings_purse denmark 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_iceland 1 historic_event furdustrandir_iceland true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = denmark and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iceland 0 increment_kings_purse denmark -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = denmark and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iceland 0 increment_kings_purse denmark -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = denmark and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iceland 0 increment_kings_purse denmark -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = denmark and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iceland 0 increment_kings_purse denmark -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = denmark and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iceland 0 increment_kings_purse denmark -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = denmark and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iceland 0 increment_kings_purse denmark -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = denmark and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iceland = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iceland 0 increment_kings_purse denmark -3000 end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = mongols and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = mongols and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 0 increment_kings_purse mongols 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_apachean 1 historic_event furdustrandir_apachean true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = mongols and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_apachean 0 increment_kings_purse mongols -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = mongols and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_apachean 0 increment_kings_purse mongols -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = mongols and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_apachean 0 increment_kings_purse mongols -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = mongols and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_apachean 0 increment_kings_purse mongols -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = mongols and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_apachean 0 increment_kings_purse mongols -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = mongols and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_apachean 0 increment_kings_purse mongols -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = mongols and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_apachean = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_apachean 0 increment_kings_purse mongols -3000 end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = milan and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = milan and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = milan and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = milan and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = milan and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = milan and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_cree = 0 increment_kings_purse milan 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_cree 1 historic_event furdustrandir_cree true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = milan and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_cree = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_cree 0 increment_kings_purse milan -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = milan and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_cree = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_cree 0 increment_kings_purse milan -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = milan and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_cree = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_cree 0 increment_kings_purse milan -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = milan and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_cree = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_cree 0 increment_kings_purse milan -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = milan and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_cree = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_cree 0 increment_kings_purse milan -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = milan and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_cree = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_cree 0 increment_kings_purse milan -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = milan and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_cree = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_cree 0 increment_kings_purse milan -3000 end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = hungary and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = hungary and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 0 increment_kings_purse hungary 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe 1 historic_event furdustrandir_anishinaabe true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = hungary and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe 0 increment_kings_purse hungary -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = hungary and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe 0 increment_kings_purse hungary -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = hungary and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe 0 increment_kings_purse hungary -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = hungary and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe 0 increment_kings_purse hungary -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = hungary and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe 0 increment_kings_purse hungary -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = hungary and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe 0 increment_kings_purse hungary -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = hungary and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anishinaabe = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anishinaabe 0 increment_kings_purse hungary -3000 end_monitor ;;; Iroqouis captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_iroqouis monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = egypt and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = egypt and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iroqouis = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_iroquois = 0 increment_kings_purse egypt 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_iroqiuos 1 historic_event furdustrandir_iroqouis true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = egypt and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iroqouis = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iroqouis 0 increment_kings_purse egypt -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = egypt and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iroqouis = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iroqouis 0 increment_kings_purse egypt -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = egypt and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iroqouis = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iroqouis 0 increment_kings_purse egypt -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = egypt and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iroqouis = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iroqouis 0 increment_kings_purse egypt -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = egypt and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iroqouis = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iroqouis 0 increment_kings_purse egypt -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = egypt and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iroqouis = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iroqouis 0 increment_kings_purse egypt -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = egypt and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_iroqouis = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_iroqouis 0 increment_kings_purse egypt -3000 end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = moors and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = moors and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = moors and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = moors and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = moors and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = moors and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 0 increment_kings_purse moors 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_beothuk 1 historic_event furdustrandir_beothuk true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = moors and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_beothuk 0 increment_kings_purse moors -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = moors and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_beothuk 0 increment_kings_purse moors -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = moors and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_beothuk 0 increment_kings_purse moors -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = moors and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_beothuk 0 increment_kings_purse moors -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = moors and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_beothuk 0 increment_kings_purse moors -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = moors and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_beothuk 0 increment_kings_purse moors -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = moors and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_beothuk = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_beothuk 0 increment_kings_purse moors -3000 end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = sicily and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = sicily and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 0 increment_kings_purse sicily 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq 1 historic_event furdustrandir_mikmaq true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = sicily and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq 0 increment_kings_purse sicily -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = sicily and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq 0 increment_kings_purse sicily -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = sicily and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq 0 increment_kings_purse sicily -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = sicily and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq 0 increment_kings_purse sicily -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = sicily and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq 0 increment_kings_purse sicily -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = sicily and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq 0 increment_kings_purse sicily -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = sicily and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_mikmaq = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_mikmaq 0 increment_kings_purse sicily -3000 end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = byzantium and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 0 increment_kings_purse byzantium 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_anasazi 1 historic_event furdustrandir_anasazi true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = byzantium and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anasazi 0 increment_kings_purse byzantium -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = byzantium and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anasazi 0 increment_kings_purse byzantium -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = byzantium and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anasazi 0 increment_kings_purse byzantium -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = byzantium and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anasazi 0 increment_kings_purse byzantium -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = byzantium and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anasazi 0 increment_kings_purse byzantium -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = byzantium and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anasazi 0 increment_kings_purse byzantium -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = byzantium and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_anasazi = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_anasazi 0 increment_kings_purse byzantium -3000 end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = poland and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = poland and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = poland and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = poland and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = poland and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = poland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 0 increment_kings_purse poland 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_muscogee 1 historic_event furdustrandir_muscogee true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = poland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_muscogee 0 increment_kings_purse poland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = poland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_muscogee 0 increment_kings_purse poland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = poland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_muscogee 0 increment_kings_purse poland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = poland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_muscogee 0 increment_kings_purse poland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = poland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_muscogee 0 increment_kings_purse poland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = poland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_muscogee 0 increment_kings_purse poland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = poland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_muscogee = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_muscogee 0 increment_kings_purse poland -3000 end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = scotland and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = scotland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 0 increment_kings_purse scotland 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_shoshone 1 historic_event furdustrandir_shoshone true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = scotland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_shoshone 0 increment_kings_purse scotland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = scotland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_shoshone 0 increment_kings_purse scotland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = scotland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_shoshone 0 increment_kings_purse scotland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = scotland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_shoshone 0 increment_kings_purse scotland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = scotland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_shoshone 0 increment_kings_purse scotland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = scotland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_shoshone 0 increment_kings_purse scotland -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = scotland and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_shoshone = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_shoshone 0 increment_kings_purse scotland -3000 end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = turks and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = turks and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = turks and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = turks and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = turks and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = turks and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 0 increment_kings_purse turks 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_sioux 1 historic_event furdustrandir_sioux true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = turks and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_sioux 0 increment_kings_purse turks -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = turks and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_sioux 0 increment_kings_purse turks -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = turks and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_sioux 0 increment_kings_purse turks -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = turks and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_sioux 0 increment_kings_purse turks -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = turks and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_sioux 0 increment_kings_purse turks -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = turks and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_sioux 0 increment_kings_purse turks -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = turks and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_sioux = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_sioux 0 increment_kings_purse turks -3000 end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = hre and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = hre and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = hre and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = hre and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = hre and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = hre and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 0 increment_kings_purse hre 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_navajo 1 historic_event furdustrandir_navajo true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = hre and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_navajo 0 increment_kings_purse hre -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = hre and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_navajo 0 increment_kings_purse hre -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = hre and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_navajo 0 increment_kings_purse hre -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = hre and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_navajo 0 increment_kings_purse hre -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = hre and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_navajo 0 increment_kings_purse hre -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = hre and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_navajo 0 increment_kings_purse hre -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = hre and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_navajo = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_navajo 0 increment_kings_purse hre -3000 end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = venice and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = venice and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = venice and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = venice and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = venice and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = venice and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_tlingit = 0 increment_kings_purse venice 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_tlingit 1 historic_event furdustrandir_tlingit true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = venice and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_tlingit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_tlingit 0 increment_kings_purse venice -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = venice and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_tlingit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_tlingit 0 increment_kings_purse venice -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = venice and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_tlingit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_tlingit 0 increment_kings_purse venice -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = venice and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_tlingit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_tlingit 0 increment_kings_purse venice -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = venice and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_tlingit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_tlingit 0 increment_kings_purse venice -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = venice and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_tlingit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_tlingit 0 increment_kings_purse venice -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = venice and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_tlingit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_tlingit 0 increment_kings_purse venice -3000 end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = aztecs and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 0 increment_kings_purse aztecs 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_inuit 1 historic_event furdustrandir_inuit true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = aztecs and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_inuit 0 increment_kings_purse aztecs -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = aztecs and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_inuit 0 increment_kings_purse aztecs -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = aztecs and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_inuit 0 increment_kings_purse aztecs -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = aztecs and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_inuit 0 increment_kings_purse aztecs -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = aztecs and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_inuit 0 increment_kings_purse aztecs -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = aztecs and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_inuit 0 increment_kings_purse aztecs -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = aztecs and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_inuit = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_inuit 0 increment_kings_purse aztecs -3000 end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Furdustrandir declare_counter furdustrandir_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = timurids and I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = timurids and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 0 increment_kings_purse timurids 3000 set_counter furdustrandir_denaina 1 historic_event furdustrandir_denaina true end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Epekwitk = timurids and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_denaina 0 increment_kings_purse timurids -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner L'Anse_aux_Meadows = timurids and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_denaina 0 increment_kings_purse timurids -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Beothuk_Camp = timurids and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_denaina 0 increment_kings_purse timurids -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Anticosti = timurids and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_denaina 0 increment_kings_purse timurids -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Eskasoni = timurids and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_denaina 0 increment_kings_purse timurids -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Megwesaqsitlnu = timurids and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_denaina 0 increment_kings_purse timurids -3000 end_monitor monitor_conditions not I_SettlementOwner Melgitat = timurids and I_CompareCounter furdustrandir_denaina = 1 set_counter furdustrandir_denaina 0 increment_kings_purse timurids -3000 end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Markland ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; declare_counter markland_cooldown set_counter markland_cooldown 0 ;;; Iceland captures Markland declare_counter markland_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 1 historic_event markland_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = denmark set_counter markland_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { denmark, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money denmark -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money denmark -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money denmark -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money denmark -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money denmark -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money denmark -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money denmark -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iceland = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money denmark -1000 end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Markland declare_counter markland_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 1 historic_event markland_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = mongols set_counter markland_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { mongols, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money mongols -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money mongols -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money mongols -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money mongols -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money mongols -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money mongols -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money mongols -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_apachean = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money mongols -1000 end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Markland declare_counter markland_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = milan and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = milan and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = milan and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = milan and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = milan and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = milan and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = milan and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = milan set_counter markland_cree 1 historic_event markland_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = milan set_counter markland_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = milan set_counter markland_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = milan set_counter markland_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = milan set_counter markland_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = milan set_counter markland_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = milan set_counter markland_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = milan set_counter markland_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = milan set_counter markland_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { milan, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money milan -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money milan -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money milan -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money milan -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money milan -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money milan -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money milan -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_cree = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money milan -1000 end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Markland declare_counter markland_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 1 historic_event markland_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = hungary set_counter markland_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { hungary, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hungary -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hungary -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hungary -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hungary -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hungary -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hungary -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hungary -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anishinaabe = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hungary -1000 end_monitor ;;; Iroqouis captures Markland declare_counter markland_iroqouis monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_iroqouis = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 1 historic_event markland_iroqouis true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = egypt set_counter markland_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { egypt, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money egypt -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money egypt -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money egypt -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money egypt -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money egypt -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money egypt -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money egypt -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_iroqouis = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money egypt -1000 end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Markland declare_counter markland_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = moors and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = moors and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = moors and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = moors and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = moors and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = moors and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = moors and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 1 historic_event markland_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = moors set_counter markland_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { moors, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money moors -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money moors -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money moors -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money moors -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money moors -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money moors -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money moors -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_beothuk = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money moors -1000 end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Markland declare_counter markland_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 1 historic_event markland_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = sicily set_counter markland_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { sicily, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money sicily -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money sicily -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money sicily -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money sicily -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money sicily -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money sicily -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money sicily -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_mikmaq = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money sicily -1000 end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Markland declare_counter markland_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 1 historic_event markland_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = byzantium set_counter markland_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { byzantium, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money byzantium -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money byzantium -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money byzantium -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money byzantium -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money byzantium -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money byzantium -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money byzantium -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_anasazi = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money byzantium -1000 end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Markland declare_counter markland_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 1 historic_event markland_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = scotland set_counter markland_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { scotland, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money scotland -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money scotland -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money scotland -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money scotland -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money scotland -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money scotland -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money scotland -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_shoshone = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money scotland -1000 end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Markland declare_counter markland_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = turks and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = turks and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = turks and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = turks and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = turks and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = turks and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = turks and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = turks set_counter markland_sioux 1 historic_event markland_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = turks set_counter markland_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = turks set_counter markland_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = turks set_counter markland_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = turks set_counter markland_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = turks set_counter markland_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = turks set_counter markland_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = turks set_counter markland_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = turks set_counter markland_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { turks, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money turks -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money turks -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money turks -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money turks -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money turks -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money turks -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money turks -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_sioux = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money turks -1000 end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Markland declare_counter markland_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = hre and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = hre and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = hre and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = hre and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = hre and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = hre and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = hre and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = hre set_counter markland_navajo 1 historic_event markland_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = hre set_counter markland_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = hre set_counter markland_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = hre set_counter markland_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = hre set_counter markland_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = hre set_counter markland_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = hre set_counter markland_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = hre set_counter markland_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = hre set_counter markland_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { hre, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hre -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hre -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hre -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hre -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hre -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hre -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hre -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_navajo = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money hre -1000 end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Markland declare_counter markland_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = venice and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = venice and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = venice and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = venice and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = venice and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = venice and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = venice and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 1 historic_event markland_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = venice set_counter markland_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { venice, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money venice -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money venice -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money venice -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money venice -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money venice -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money venice -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money venice -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_tlingit = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money venice -1000 end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Markland declare_counter markland_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 1 historic_event markland_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = aztecs set_counter markland_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { aztecs, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money aztecs -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money aztecs -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money aztecs -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money aztecs -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money aztecs -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money aztecs -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money aztecs -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_inuit = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money aztecs -1000 end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Markland declare_counter markland_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter markland_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Sakami = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 1 historic_event markland_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kuujjuaq = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Leifsbudir = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Straumfjordr = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sakami = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Inukjuak = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kawawachikamach = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ashuanipi = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Innu_Camp = timurids set_counter markland_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown < 10 inc_counter markland_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 historic_event markland_ready true factions { timurids, } end_if end_if end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Leifsbudir and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 console_command process_cq Leifsbudir set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money timurids -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kuujjuaq and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 console_command process_cq Kuujjuaq set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money timurids -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Straumfjordr and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 console_command process_cq Straumfjordr set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money timurids -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Sakami and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 console_command process_cq Sakami set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money timurids -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Inukjuak and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 console_command process_cq Inukjuak set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money timurids -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Kawawachikamach and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 console_command process_cq Kawawachikamach set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money timurids -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Ashuanipi and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 console_command process_cq Ashuanipi set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money timurids -1000 end_monitor monitor_event AddedToBuildingQueue SettlementName Innu_Camp and I_CompareCounter markland_cooldown = 10 and I_CompareCounter markland_denaina = 1 console_command process_cq Innu_Camp set_counter markland_cooldown 0 add_money timurids -1000 end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Quebec ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = denmark set_counter quebec_iceland 1 historic_event quebec_iceland true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { denmark, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = denmark set_counter quebec_iceland 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = denmark set_counter quebec_iceland 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = denmark set_counter quebec_iceland 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = denmark set_counter quebec_iceland 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = denmark set_counter quebec_iceland 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = denmark set_counter quebec_iceland 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = denmark set_counter quebec_iceland 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = mongols set_counter quebec_apachean 1 historic_event quebec_apachean true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { mongols, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = mongols set_counter quebec_apachean 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = mongols set_counter quebec_apachean 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = mongols set_counter quebec_apachean 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = mongols set_counter quebec_apachean 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = mongols set_counter quebec_apachean 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = mongols set_counter quebec_apachean 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = mongols set_counter quebec_apachean 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = milan and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = milan and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = milan and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = milan and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = milan and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = milan and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = milan set_counter quebec_cree 1 historic_event quebec_cree true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { milan, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = milan set_counter quebec_cree 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = milan set_counter quebec_cree 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = milan set_counter quebec_cree 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = milan set_counter quebec_cree 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = milan set_counter quebec_cree 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = milan set_counter quebec_cree 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = milan set_counter quebec_cree 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = hungary set_counter quebec_anishinaabe 1 historic_event quebec_anishinaabe true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { hungary, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = hungary set_counter quebec_anishinaabe 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = hungary set_counter quebec_anishinaabe 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = hungary set_counter quebec_anishinaabe 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = hungary set_counter quebec_anishinaabe 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = hungary set_counter quebec_anishinaabe 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = hungary set_counter quebec_anishinaabe 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = hungary set_counter quebec_anishinaabe 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroqouis captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_iroqouis monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_iroqouis = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_iroqouis = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = egypt set_counter quebec_iroqouis 1 historic_event quebec_iroqouis true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { egypt, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = egypt set_counter quebec_iroqouis 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = egypt set_counter quebec_iroqouis 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = egypt set_counter quebec_iroqouis 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = egypt set_counter quebec_iroqouis 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = egypt set_counter quebec_iroqouis 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = egypt set_counter quebec_iroqouis 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = egypt set_counter quebec_iroqouis 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = moors and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = moors and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = moors and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = moors and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = moors and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = moors and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = moors set_counter quebec_beothuk 1 historic_event quebec_beothuk true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { moors, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = moors set_counter quebec_beothuk 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = moors set_counter quebec_beothuk 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = moors set_counter quebec_beothuk 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = moors set_counter quebec_beothuk 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = moors set_counter quebec_beothuk 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = moors set_counter quebec_beothuk 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = moors set_counter quebec_beothuk 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = sicily set_counter quebec_mikmaq 1 historic_event quebec_mikmaq true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { sicily, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = sicily set_counter quebec_mikmaq 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = sicily set_counter quebec_mikmaq 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = sicily set_counter quebec_mikmaq 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = sicily set_counter quebec_mikmaq 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = sicily set_counter quebec_mikmaq 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = sicily set_counter quebec_mikmaq 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = sicily set_counter quebec_mikmaq 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = byzantium set_counter quebec_anasazi 1 historic_event quebec_anasazi true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { byzantium, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = byzantium set_counter quebec_anasazi 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = byzantium set_counter quebec_anasazi 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = byzantium set_counter quebec_anasazi 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = byzantium set_counter quebec_anasazi 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = byzantium set_counter quebec_anasazi 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = byzantium set_counter quebec_anasazi 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = byzantium set_counter quebec_anasazi 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = poland and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = poland and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = poland and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = poland and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = poland and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = poland and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = poland set_counter quebec_muscogee 1 historic_event quebec_muscogee true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { poland, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = poland set_counter quebec_muscogee 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = poland set_counter quebec_muscogee 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = poland set_counter quebec_muscogee 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = poland set_counter quebec_muscogee 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = poland set_counter quebec_muscogee 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = poland set_counter quebec_muscogee 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = poland set_counter quebec_muscogee 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = scotland set_counter quebec_shoshone 1 historic_event quebec_shoshone true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { scotland, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = scotland set_counter quebec_shoshone 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = scotland set_counter quebec_shoshone 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = scotland set_counter quebec_shoshone 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = scotland set_counter quebec_shoshone 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = scotland set_counter quebec_shoshone 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = scotland set_counter quebec_shoshone 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = scotland set_counter quebec_shoshone 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = turks and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = turks and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = turks and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = turks and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = turks and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = turks and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = turks set_counter quebec_sioux 1 historic_event quebec_sioux true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { turks, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = turks set_counter quebec_sioux 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = turks set_counter quebec_sioux 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = turks set_counter quebec_sioux 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = turks set_counter quebec_sioux 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = turks set_counter quebec_sioux 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = turks set_counter quebec_sioux 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = turks set_counter quebec_sioux 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = hre and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = hre and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = hre and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = hre and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = hre and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = hre and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = hre set_counter quebec_navajo 1 historic_event quebec_navajo true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { hre, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = hre set_counter quebec_navajo 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = hre set_counter quebec_navajo 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = hre set_counter quebec_navajo 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = hre set_counter quebec_navajo 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = hre set_counter quebec_navajo 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = hre set_counter quebec_navajo 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = hre set_counter quebec_navajo 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = venice and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = venice and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = venice and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = venice and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = venice and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = venice and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = venice set_counter quebec_tlingit 1 historic_event quebec_tlingit true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { venice, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = venice set_counter quebec_tlingit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = venice set_counter quebec_tlingit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = venice set_counter quebec_tlingit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = venice set_counter quebec_tlingit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = venice set_counter quebec_tlingit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = venice set_counter quebec_tlingit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = venice set_counter quebec_tlingit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = aztecs set_counter quebec_inuit 1 historic_event quebec_inuit true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { aztecs, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = aztecs set_counter quebec_inuit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = aztecs set_counter quebec_inuit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = aztecs set_counter quebec_inuit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = aztecs set_counter quebec_inuit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = aztecs set_counter quebec_inuit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = aztecs set_counter quebec_inuit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = aztecs set_counter quebec_inuit 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Quebec declare_counter quebec_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter quebec_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter quebec_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter hunting_ground = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Quebec = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = timurids set_counter quebec_denaina 1 historic_event quebec_denaina true historic_event hunting_ground true factions { timurids, } end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Quebec = timurids set_counter quebec_denaina 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tracadie = timurids set_counter quebec_denaina 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Maliseet_settlement = timurids set_counter quebec_denaina 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Machigonne = timurids set_counter quebec_denaina 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oshelaga = timurids set_counter quebec_denaina 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mistassini = timurids set_counter quebec_denaina 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter quebec_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shawmut = timurids set_counter quebec_denaina 0 set_counter hunting_ground 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Appalachian ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; declare_counter appalachian_cooldown set_counter appalachian_cooldown 7 ;;; Iceland captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 1 historic_event appalachian_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = denmark set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { denmark, } spawn_army faction denmark character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { denmark, } spawn_army faction denmark character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = mongols set_counter appalachian_apachean 1 historic_event appalachian_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = mongols set_counter appalachian_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = mongols set_counter appalachian_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = mongols set_counter appalachian_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = mongols set_counter appalachian_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = mongols set_counter appalachian_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = mongols set_counter appalachian_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = mongols set_counter appalachian_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = mongols set_counter appalachian_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { mongols, } spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { mongols, } spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = milan and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = milan and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = milan and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = milan and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = milan and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = milan and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = milan and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 1 historic_event appalachian_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = milan set_counter appalachian_cree 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { milan, } spawn_army faction milan character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit sachems guard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { milan, } spawn_army faction milan character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit sachems guard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 1 historic_event appalachian_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = hungary set_counter appalachian_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { hungary, } spawn_army faction hungary character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit huron archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { hungary, } spawn_army faction hungary character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit huron archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Iroqouis captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_iroqouis monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 1 historic_event appalachian_iroqouis true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = egypt set_counter appalachian_iroqouis 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { egypt, } spawn_army faction egypt character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit oneida warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_iroqouis = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { egypt, } spawn_army faction egypt character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit oneida warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = moors and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = moors and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = moors and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = moors and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = moors and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = moors and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = moors and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 1 historic_event appalachian_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = moors set_counter appalachian_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { moors, } spawn_army faction moors character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit war heralds exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { moors, } spawn_army faction moors character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit war heralds exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 1 historic_event appalachian_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = sicily set_counter appalachian_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { sicily, } spawn_army faction sicily character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit maliseet allies exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq moose hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { sicily, } spawn_army faction sicily character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit maliseet allies exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq moose hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 1 historic_event appalachian_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = byzantium set_counter appalachian_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { byzantium, } spawn_army faction byzantium character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit priests of chaco exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mogollon warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { byzantium, } spawn_army faction byzantium character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit priests of chaco exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mogollon warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = poland and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = poland and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = poland and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = poland and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = poland and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = poland and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = poland and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 1 historic_event appalachian_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = poland set_counter appalachian_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { poland, } spawn_army faction poland character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit falcon dancers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { poland, } spawn_army faction poland character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit falcon dancers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 1 historic_event appalachian_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = scotland set_counter appalachian_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { scotland, } spawn_army faction scotland character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit badlands archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { scotland, } spawn_army faction scotland character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit badlands archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = turks and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = turks and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = turks and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = turks and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = turks and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = turks and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = turks and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 1 historic_event appalachian_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = turks set_counter appalachian_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { turks, } spawn_army faction turks character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit prairie raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { turks, } spawn_army faction turks character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit prairie raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = hre and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = hre and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = hre and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = hre and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = hre and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = hre and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = hre and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 1 historic_event appalachian_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = hre set_counter appalachian_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { hre, } spawn_army faction hre character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit dinetah people exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { hre, } spawn_army faction hre character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit dinetah people exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = venice and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = venice and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = venice and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = venice and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = venice and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = venice and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = venice and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 1 historic_event appalachian_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = venice set_counter appalachian_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { venice, } spawn_army faction venice character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit anjadi exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit commonal warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { venice, } spawn_army faction venice character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit anjadi exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 1 historic_event appalachian_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = aztecs set_counter appalachian_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { aztecs, } spawn_army faction aztecs character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit arctic elders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { aztecs, } spawn_army faction aztecs character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit arctic elders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Appalachian declare_counter appalachian_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter appalachian_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Potomac = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Oneida = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Shodack = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 1 historic_event appalachian_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown < 8 inc_counter appalachian_cooldown 1 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chocktaw = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cherokee_Settlement = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potomac = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nundawao = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oneida = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ramapough = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shodack = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Onondaga = timurids set_counter appalachian_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_JihadInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_1 true factions { timurids, } spawn_army faction timurids character random_name, general, age 20, x 200, y 35 unit men of raven exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CrusadeInProgress = true and I_CompareCounter appalachian_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter appalachian_cooldown = 8 historic_event appalachian_militia_2 true factions { timurids, } spawn_army faction timurids character random_name, general, age 20, x 201, y 35 unit men of raven exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end set_counter appalachian_cooldown 0 end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Great Lakes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 1 historic_event greatlakes_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = denmark set_counter greatlakes_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 1 historic_event greatlakes_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = mongols set_counter greatlakes_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = milan and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = milan and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = milan and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = milan and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = milan and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = milan and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = milan and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 1 historic_event greatlakes_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = milan set_counter greatlakes_cree 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 1 historic_event greatlakes_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = hungary set_counter greatlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 1 historic_event greatlakes_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = egypt set_counter greatlakes_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = moors and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = moors and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = moors and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = moors and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = moors and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = moors and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = moors and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 1 historic_event greatlakes_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = moors set_counter greatlakes_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 1 historic_event greatlakes_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = sicily set_counter greatlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 1 historic_event greatlakes_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = byzantium set_counter greatlakes_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = poland and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = poland and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = poland and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = poland and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = poland and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = poland and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = poland and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 1 historic_event greatlakes_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = poland set_counter greatlakes_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 1 historic_event greatlakes_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = scotland set_counter greatlakes_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = turks and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = turks and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = turks and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = turks and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = turks and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = turks and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = turks and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 1 historic_event greatlakes_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = turks set_counter greatlakes_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = hre and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = hre and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = hre and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = hre and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = hre and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = hre and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = hre and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 1 historic_event greatlakes_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = hre set_counter greatlakes_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = venice and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = venice and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = venice and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = venice and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = venice and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = venice and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = venice and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 1 historic_event greatlakes_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = venice set_counter greatlakes_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 1 historic_event greatlakes_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = aztecs set_counter greatlakes_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Great Lakes declare_counter greatlakes_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter greatlakes_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Ontario = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Toronto = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Matagami = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Odawa = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Wausau = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 1 historic_event greatlakes_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Manitouwadge = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ontario = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Toronto = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matagami = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Potawatomi_settlement = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Odawa = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wausau = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter greatlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nipigon = timurids set_counter greatlakes_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Mississippi ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = denmark set_counter mississippi_iceland 1 historic_event mississippi_iceland true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = denmark set_counter mississippi_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = denmark set_counter mississippi_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = denmark set_counter mississippi_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = denmark set_counter mississippi_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = denmark set_counter mississippi_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = denmark set_counter mississippi_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = mongols set_counter mississippi_apachean 1 historic_event mississippi_apachean true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = mongols set_counter mississippi_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = mongols set_counter mississippi_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = mongols set_counter mississippi_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = mongols set_counter mississippi_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = mongols set_counter mississippi_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = mongols set_counter mississippi_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = milan and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = milan and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = milan and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = milan and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = milan and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = milan set_counter mississippi_cree 1 historic_event mississippi_cree true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = milan set_counter mississippi_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = milan set_counter mississippi_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = milan set_counter mississippi_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = milan set_counter mississippi_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = milan set_counter mississippi_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = milan set_counter mississippi_cree 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = hungary set_counter mississippi_anishinaabe 1 historic_event mississippi_anishinaabe true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = hungary set_counter mississippi_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = hungary set_counter mississippi_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = hungary set_counter mississippi_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = hungary set_counter mississippi_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = hungary set_counter mississippi_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = hungary set_counter mississippi_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = egypt set_counter mississippi_iroquois 1 historic_event mississippi_iroquois true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = egypt set_counter mississippi_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = egypt set_counter mississippi_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = egypt set_counter mississippi_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = egypt set_counter mississippi_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = egypt set_counter mississippi_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = egypt set_counter mississippi_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = moors and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = moors and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = moors and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = moors and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = moors and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = moors set_counter mississippi_beothuk 1 historic_event mississippi_beothuk true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = moors set_counter mississippi_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = moors set_counter mississippi_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = moors set_counter mississippi_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = moors set_counter mississippi_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = moors set_counter mississippi_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = moors set_counter mississippi_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = sicily set_counter mississippi_mikmaq 1 historic_event mississippi_mikmaq true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = sicily set_counter mississippi_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = sicily set_counter mississippi_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = sicily set_counter mississippi_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = sicily set_counter mississippi_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = sicily set_counter mississippi_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = sicily set_counter mississippi_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = byzantium set_counter mississippi_anasazi 1 historic_event mississippi_anasazi true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = byzantium set_counter mississippi_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = byzantium set_counter mississippi_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = byzantium set_counter mississippi_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = byzantium set_counter mississippi_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = byzantium set_counter mississippi_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = byzantium set_counter mississippi_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = poland and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = poland and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = poland and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = poland and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = poland and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = poland set_counter mississippi_muscogee 1 historic_event mississippi_muscogee true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = poland set_counter mississippi_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = poland set_counter mississippi_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = poland set_counter mississippi_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = poland set_counter mississippi_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = poland set_counter mississippi_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = poland set_counter mississippi_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = scotland set_counter mississippi_shoshone 1 historic_event mississippi_shoshone true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = scotland set_counter mississippi_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = scotland set_counter mississippi_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = scotland set_counter mississippi_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = scotland set_counter mississippi_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = scotland set_counter mississippi_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = scotland set_counter mississippi_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = turks and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = turks and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = turks and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = turks and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = turks and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = turks set_counter mississippi_sioux 1 historic_event mississippi_sioux true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = turks set_counter mississippi_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = turks set_counter mississippi_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = turks set_counter mississippi_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = turks set_counter mississippi_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = turks set_counter mississippi_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = turks set_counter mississippi_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = hre and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = hre and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = hre and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = hre and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = hre and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = hre set_counter mississippi_navajo 1 historic_event mississippi_navajo true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = hre set_counter mississippi_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = hre set_counter mississippi_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = hre set_counter mississippi_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = hre set_counter mississippi_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = hre set_counter mississippi_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = hre set_counter mississippi_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = venice and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = venice and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = venice and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = venice and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = venice and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = venice set_counter mississippi_tlingit 1 historic_event mississippi_tlingit true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = venice set_counter mississippi_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = venice set_counter mississippi_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = venice set_counter mississippi_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = venice set_counter mississippi_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = venice set_counter mississippi_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = venice set_counter mississippi_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = aztecs set_counter mississippi_inuit 1 historic_event mississippi_inuit true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = aztecs set_counter mississippi_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = aztecs set_counter mississippi_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = aztecs set_counter mississippi_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = aztecs set_counter mississippi_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = aztecs set_counter mississippi_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = aztecs set_counter mississippi_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Mississippi declare_counter mississippi_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter mississippi_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter mississippi_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Paducah = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Iowa = timurids set_counter mississippi_denaina 1 historic_event mississippi_denaina true reveal_tile 280, 140 reveal_tile 297, 122 reveal_tile 258, 77 reveal_tile 265, 73 reveal_tile 235, 107 reveal_tile 157, 126 reveal_tile 201, 97 reveal_tile 259, 90 reveal_tile 205, 111 reveal_tile 268, 63 reveal_tile 245, 67 reveal_tile 262, 61 reveal_tile 244, 48 reveal_tile 246, 54 reveal_tile 253, 52 reveal_tile 202, 36 reveal_tile 227, 47 reveal_tile 211, 42 reveal_tile 196, 75 reveal_tile 191, 51 reveal_tile 188, 40 reveal_tile 120, 21 reveal_tile 126, 14 reveal_tile 126, 1 reveal_tile 122, 32 reveal_tile 51, 98 reveal_tile 44, 103 reveal_tile 156, 48 reveal_tile 147, 50 reveal_tile 130, 51 reveal_tile 99, 4 reveal_tile 100, 49 reveal_tile 119, 104 reveal_tile 162, 97 reveal_tile 114, 126 reveal_tile 150, 111 reveal_tile 79, 138 reveal_tile 99, 79 reveal_tile 4, 122 reveal_tile 14, 135 reveal_tile 184, 63 reveal_tile 237, 71 reveal_tile 230, 140 reveal_tile 186, 140 reveal_tile 208, 85 reveal_tile 142, 132 reveal_tile 70, 139 reveal_tile 45, 137 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 65, 118 reveal_tile 2, 110 reveal_tile 24, 125 reveal_tile 40, 118 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 24, 140 reveal_tile 61, 105 reveal_tile 50, 93 reveal_tile 55, 85 reveal_tile 71, 72 reveal_tile 59, 87 reveal_tile 135, 65 reveal_tile 71, 67 reveal_tile 100, 42 reveal_tile 145, 36 reveal_tile 144, 72 reveal_tile 83, 17 reveal_tile 83, 33 reveal_tile 79, 46 reveal_tile 77, 58 reveal_tile 103, 64 reveal_tile 122, 70 reveal_tile 117, 56 reveal_tile 86, 66 reveal_tile 113, 1 reveal_tile 140, 25 reveal_tile 143, 16 reveal_tile 191, 1 reveal_tile 207, 15 reveal_tile 212, 29 reveal_tile 143, 82 reveal_tile 157, 77 reveal_tile 105, 95 reveal_tile 179, 79 reveal_tile 174, 65 reveal_tile 165, 66 reveal_tile 208, 63 reveal_tile 174, 51 reveal_tile 218, 36 reveal_tile 233, 57 reveal_tile 95, 125 reveal_tile 106, 132 reveal_tile 84, 109 reveal_tile 94, 109 reveal_tile 118, 82 reveal_tile 89, 98 reveal_tile 77, 95 reveal_tile 75, 83 reveal_tile 6, 139 reveal_tile 94, 34 reveal_tile 228, 94 reveal_tile 240, 82 reveal_tile 218, 72 reveal_tile 197, 83 reveal_tile 274, 58 reveal_tile 215, 54 reveal_tile 207, 56 reveal_tile 200, 44 reveal_tile 176, 95 reveal_tile 130, 81 reveal_tile 128, 95 reveal_tile 164, 88 reveal_tile 227, 62 reveal_tile 204, 72 reveal_tile 223, 40 reveal_tile 197, 30 reveal_tile 204, 21 reveal_tile 103, 20 reveal_tile 110, 30 reveal_tile 132, 39 reveal_tile 153, 1 reveal_tile 14, 121 reveal_tile 28, 117 hide_all_revealed_tiles end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arkansas = timurids set_counter mississippi_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paducah = timurids set_counter mississippi_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mound_city = timurids set_counter mississippi_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Aztalan = timurids set_counter mississippi_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cahokia = timurids set_counter mississippi_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter mississippi_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Iowa = timurids set_counter mississippi_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Prairies ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 1 historic_event prairies_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = denmark set_counter prairies_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType denmark and I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { denmark, } spawn_army faction denmark character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit NE Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Dismounted Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Crossbowmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType denmark and I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { denmark, } spawn_army faction denmark character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit NE Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Dismounted Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Crossbowmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType denmark and I_CompareCounter prairies_iceland = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { denmark, } spawn_army faction denmark character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit NE Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Dismounted Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Crossbowmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 1 historic_event prairies_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = mongols set_counter prairies_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { mongols, } spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { mongols, } spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter prairies_apachean = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { mongols, } spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = milan and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = milan and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = milan and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = milan and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = milan set_counter prairies_cree 1 historic_event prairies_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = milan set_counter prairies_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = milan set_counter prairies_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = milan set_counter prairies_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = milan set_counter prairies_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = milan set_counter prairies_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = milan set_counter prairies_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = milan set_counter prairies_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = milan set_counter prairies_cree 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType milan and I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { milan, } spawn_army faction milan character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Cree Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit masquegons exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit woodland hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oquimacans men at arms exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType milan and I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { milan, } spawn_army faction milan character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Cree Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit masquegons exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit woodland hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oquimacans men at arms exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType milan and I_CompareCounter prairies_cree = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { milan, } spawn_army faction milan character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Cree Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit masquegons exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit woodland hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oquimacans men at arms exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 1 historic_event prairies_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = hungary set_counter prairies_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType hungary and I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { hungary, } spawn_army faction hungary character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Anishinaabe Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit potawatomi scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ojibwa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit petun wolf warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType hungary and I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { hungary, } spawn_army faction hungary character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Anishinaabe Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit potawatomi scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ojibwa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit petun wolf warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType hungary and I_CompareCounter prairies_anishinaabe = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { hungary, } spawn_army faction hungary character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Anishinaabe Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit potawatomi scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ojibwa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit petun wolf warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 1 historic_event prairies_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = egypt set_counter prairies_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType egypt and I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { egypt, } spawn_army faction egypt character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Iroquois Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType egypt and I_CompareCounter prairies_iroquois = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { egypt, } spawn_army faction egypt character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Iroquois Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType egypt and I_CompareCounter prairies_iroqious = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { egypt, } spawn_army faction egypt character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Iroquois Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = moors and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = moors and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = moors and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = moors and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 1 historic_event prairies_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = moors set_counter prairies_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType moors and I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { moors, } spawn_army faction moors character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Beothuk Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit red indians archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war heralds exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType moors and I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { moors, } spawn_army faction moors character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Beothuk Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit red indians archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war heralds exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType moors and I_CompareCounter prairies_beothuk = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { moors, } spawn_army faction moors character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Beothuk Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit red indians archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war heralds exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 1 historic_event prairies_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = sicily set_counter prairies_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType sicily and I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { sicily, } spawn_army faction sicily character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Mikmaq Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq moose hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit maliseet archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit people of meductik exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType sicily and I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { sicily, } spawn_army faction sicily character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Mikmaq Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq moose hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit maliseet archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit people of meductik exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType sicily and I_CompareCounter prairies_mikmaq = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { sicily, } spawn_army faction sicily character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Mikmaq Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq moose hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit maliseet archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit people of meductik exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 1 historic_event prairies_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = byzantium set_counter prairies_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType byzantium and I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { byzantium, } spawn_army faction byzantium character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1, Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Aztec Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hohokam archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mogollon warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit meso eagle warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType byzantium and I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { byzantium, } spawn_army faction byzantium character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Aztec Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hohokam archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mogollon warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit meso eagle warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType byzantium and I_CompareCounter prairies_anasazi = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { byzantium, } spawn_army faction byzantium character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Aztec Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hohokam archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mogollon warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit meso eagle warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = poland and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = poland and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = poland and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = poland and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 1 historic_event prairies_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = poland set_counter prairies_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType poland and I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { poland, } spawn_army faction poland character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Muscogee Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit chickasaw raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mound builders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit etowah warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit falcon dancers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType poland and I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { poland, } spawn_army faction poland character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Muscogee Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit chickasaw raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mound builders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit etowah warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit falcon dancers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType poland and I_CompareCounter prairies_muscogee = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { poland, } spawn_army faction poland character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Muscogee Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit chickasaw raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mound builders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit etowah warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit falcon dancers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 1 historic_event prairies_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = scotland set_counter prairies_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { scotland, } spawn_army faction scotland character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Shoshone Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit yellowheads exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit badlands warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { scotland, } spawn_army faction scotland character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Shoshone Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit yellowheads exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit badlands warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter prairies_shoshone = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { scotland, } spawn_army faction scotland character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Shoshone Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit yellowheads exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit badlands warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = turks and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = turks and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = turks and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = turks and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 1 historic_event prairies_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = turks set_counter prairies_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType turks and I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { turks, } spawn_army faction turks character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Sioux Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux braves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit buffalo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie riders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType turks and I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { turks, } spawn_army faction turks character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Sioux Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux braves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit buffalo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie riders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType turks and I_CompareCounter prairies_sioux = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { turks, } spawn_army faction turks character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Sioux Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux braves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit buffalo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie riders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = hre and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = hre and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = hre and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = hre and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 1 historic_event prairies_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = hre set_counter prairies_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType hre and I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { hre, } spawn_army faction hre character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Navajo Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo men of spear exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo prairie archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType hre and I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { hre, } spawn_army faction hre character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Navajo Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo men of spear exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo prairie archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType hre and I_CompareCounter prairies_navajo = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { hre, } spawn_army faction hre character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Navajo Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo men of spear exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo prairie archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = venice and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = venice and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = venice and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = venice and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 1 historic_event prairies_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = venice set_counter prairies_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType venice and I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { venice, } spawn_army faction venice character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1, Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Anjadi Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit commonal warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anjadi exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType venice and I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { venice, } spawn_army faction venice character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Anjadi Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit commonal warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anjadi exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType venice and I_CompareCounter prairies_tlingit = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { venice, } spawn_army faction venice character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Anjadi Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit commonal warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anjadi exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 1 historic_event prairies_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = aztecs set_counter prairies_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType aztecs and I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { aztecs, } spawn_army faction aztecs character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Inuit Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic men of spear exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic elders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType aztecs and I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { aztecs, } spawn_army faction aztecs character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Inuit Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic men of spear exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic elders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType aztecs and I_CompareCounter prairies_inuit = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { aztecs, } spawn_army faction aztecs character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Inuit Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic men of spear exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic elders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Prairies declare_counter prairies_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter prairies_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Wichita = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Omaha = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 1 historic_event prairies_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tishomingo = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wichita = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Oklahoma = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omaha = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Pawnee_Camp = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Lakota_Camp = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dakhota_Camp = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yanktonai_Camp = timurids set_counter prairies_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement TargetFactionType timurids and I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { timurids, } spawn_army faction timurids character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Denaina Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit alaska hillmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of chihea exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of tulchina exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of raven exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement TargetFactionType timurids and I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { timurids, } spawn_army faction timurids character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Denaina Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit alaska hillmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of chihea exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of tulchina exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of raven exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation TargetFactionType timurids and I_CompareCounter prairies_denaina = 1 historic_event prairies_reinforcement true factions { timurids, } spawn_army faction timurids character random_name, named character, age 19, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 3 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Denaina Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit alaska hillmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of chihea exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of tulchina exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of raven exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Rocky Mountains ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; declare_counter PT declare_counter chaco_siege declare_counter taos_siege declare_counter montezuma_siege declare_counter cliff_siege declare_counter hopi_siege declare_counter winnemucca_siege declare_counter paiute_siege declare_counter shasta_siege ;;; Iceland captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Taos = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 1 historic_event rockymountains_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = denmark set_counter rockymountains_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal inc_counter chaco_siege -1 inc_counter taos_siege -1 inc_counter cliff_siege -1 inc_counter montezuma_siege -1 inc_counter hopi_siege -1 inc_counter winnemucca_siege -1 inc_counter paiute_siege -1 inc_counter shasta_siege -1 set_counter PT 0 if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, Spear Militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, Peasant Archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, Scouts, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, Spear Militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, Peasant Archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, Scouts, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, Spear Militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, Peasant Archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, Scouts, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, Spear Militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, Peasant Archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, Scouts, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, Spear Militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, Peasant Archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, Scouts, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, Spear Militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, Peasant Archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, Scouts, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, Spear Militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, Peasant Archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, Scouts, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iceland = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, Spear Militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, Peasant Archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, Scouts, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Taos = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 1 historic_event rockymountains_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = mongols set_counter rockymountains_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, apachean scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, rabbit boys, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, medicine men, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, apachean scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, rabbit boys, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, medicine men, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, apachean scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, rabbit boys, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, medicine men, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, apachean scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, rabbit boys, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, medicine men, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, apachean scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, rabbit boys, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, medicine men, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, apachean scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, rabbit boys, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, medicine men, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, apachean scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, rabbit boys, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, medicine men, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_apachean = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, apachean scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, rabbit boys, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, medicine men, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = milan and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = milan and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = milan and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = milan and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = milan and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = milan and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = milan and I_SettlementOwner Taos = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 1 historic_event rockymountains_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = milan set_counter rockymountains_cree 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, cree scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, cree militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, cree shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, cree scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, cree militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, cree shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, cree scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, cree militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, cree shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, cree scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, cree militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, cree shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, cree scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, cree militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, cree shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, cree scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, cree militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, cree shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, cree scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, cree militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, cree shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_cree = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, cree scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, cree militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, cree shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Taos = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 1 historic_event rockymountains_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = hungary set_counter rockymountains_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, anishinaabe militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, anishinaabe hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, sunrise people, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, anishinaabe militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, anishinaabe hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, sunrise people, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, anishinaabe militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, anishinaabe hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, sunrise people, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, anishinaabe militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, anishinaabe hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, sunrise people, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, anishinaabe militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, anishinaabe hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, sunrise people, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, anishinaabe militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, anishinaabe hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, sunrise people, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, anishinaabe militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, anishinaabe hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, sunrise people, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anishinaabe = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, anishinaabe militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, anishinaabe hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, sunrise people, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Taos = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 1 historic_event rockymountains_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = egypt set_counter rockymountains_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, iroquois scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, iroquois hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, onondaga shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, iroquois scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, iroquois hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, onondaga shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, iroquois scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, iroquois hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, onondaga shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, iroquois scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, iroquois hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, onondaga shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, iroquois scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, iroquois hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, onondaga shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, iroquois scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, iroquois hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, onondaga shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, iroquois scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, iroquois hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, onondaga shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_iroquois = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, iroquois scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, iroquois hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, onondaga shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = moors and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = moors and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = moors and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = moors and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = moors and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = moors and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = moors and I_SettlementOwner Taos = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 1 historic_event rockymountains_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = moors set_counter rockymountains_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, beothuk thieves, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, beothuk scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, beothuk shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, beothuk thieves, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, beothuk scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, beothuk shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, beothuk thieves, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, beothuk scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, beothuk shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, beothuk thieves, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, beothuk scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, beothuk shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, beothuk thieves, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, beothuk scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, beothuk shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, beothuk thieves, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, beothuk scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, beothuk shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, beothuk thieves, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, beothuk scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, beothuk shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_beothuk = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, beothuk thieves, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, beothuk scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, beothuk shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Taos = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 1 historic_event rockymountains_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = sicily set_counter rockymountains_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, mikmaq militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, mikmaq archer militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, mikmaq shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, mikmaq militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, mikmaq archer militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, mikmaq shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, mikmaq militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, mikmaq archer militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, mikmaq shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, mikmaq militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, mikmaq archer militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, mikmaq shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, mikmaq militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, mikmaq archer militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, mikmaq shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, mikmaq militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, mikmaq archer militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, mikmaq shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, mikmaq militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, mikmaq archer militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, mikmaq shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_mikmaq = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, mikmaq militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, mikmaq archer militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, mikmaq shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Taos = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 1 historic_event rockymountains_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = byzantium set_counter rockymountains_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, anasazi spearmen, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, anasazi archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, priests of chaco, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, anasazi spearmen, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, anasazi archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, priests of chaco, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, anasazi spearmen, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, anasazi archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, priests of chaco, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, anasazi spearmen, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, anasazi archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, priests of chaco, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, anasazi spearmen, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, anasazi archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, priests of chaco, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, anasazi spearmen, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, anasazi archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, priests of chaco, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, anasazi spearmen, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, anasazi archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, priests of chaco, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_anasazi = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, anasazi spearmen, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, anasazi archers, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, priests of chaco, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = poland and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = poland and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = poland and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = poland and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = poland and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = poland and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = poland and I_SettlementOwner Taos = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 1 historic_event rockymountains_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = poland set_counter rockymountains_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, muscogee militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, muscogee hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, priests of cahokia, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, muscogee militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, muscogee hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, priests of cahokia, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, muscogee militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, muscogee hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, priests of cahokia, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, muscogee militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, muscogee hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, priests of cahokia, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, muscogee militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, muscogee hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, priests of cahokia, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, muscogee militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, muscogee hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, priests of cahokia, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, muscogee militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, muscogee hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, priests of cahokia, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_muscogee = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, muscogee militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, muscogee hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, priests of cahokia, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Taos = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 1 historic_event rockymountains_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = scotland set_counter rockymountains_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, shoshone raiders, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, shoshone hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, shoshone shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, shoshone raiders, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, shoshone hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, shoshone shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, shoshone raiders, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, shoshone hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, shoshone shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, shoshone raiders, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, shoshone hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, shoshone shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, shoshone raiders, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, shoshone hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, shoshone shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, shoshone raiders, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, shoshone hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, shoshone shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, shoshone raiders, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, shoshone hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, shoshone shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_shoshone = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, shoshone raiders, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, shoshone hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, shoshone shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = turks and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = turks and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = turks and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = turks and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = turks and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = turks and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = turks and I_SettlementOwner Taos = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 1 historic_event rockymountains_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = turks set_counter rockymountains_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, sioux scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, prairie hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, sioux shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, sioux scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, prairie hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, sioux shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, sioux scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, prairie hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, sioux shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, sioux scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, prairie hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, sioux shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, sioux scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, prairie hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, sioux shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, sioux scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, prairie hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, sioux shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, sioux scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, prairie hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, sioux shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_sioux = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, sioux scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, prairie hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, sioux shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = hre and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = hre and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = hre and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = hre and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = hre and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = hre and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = hre and I_SettlementOwner Taos = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 1 historic_event rockymountains_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = hre set_counter rockymountains_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, navajo scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, navajo hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, navajo priests, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, navajo scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, navajo hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, navajo priests, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, navajo scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, navajo hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, navajo priests, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, navajo scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, navajo hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, navajo priests, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, navajo scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, navajo hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, navajo priests, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, navajo scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, navajo hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, navajo priests, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, navajo scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, navajo hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, navajo priests, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_navajo = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, navajo scouts, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, navajo hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, navajo priests, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = venice and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = venice and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = venice and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = venice and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = venice and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = venice and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = venice and I_SettlementOwner Taos = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 1 historic_event rockymountains_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = venice set_counter rockymountains_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, tlingit militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, tlingit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, priests of yel, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, tlingit militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, tlingit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, priests of yel, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, tlingit militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, tlingit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, priests of yel, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, tlingit militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, tlingit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, priests of yel, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, tlingit militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, tlingit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, priests of yel, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, tlingit militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, tlingit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, priests of yel, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, tlingit militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, tlingit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, priests of yel, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_tlingit = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, tlingit militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, tlingit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, priests of yel, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Taos = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 1 historic_event rockymountains_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = aztecs set_counter rockymountains_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, inuit tribal militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, inuit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, inuit shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, inuit tribal militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, inuit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, inuit shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, inuit tribal militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, inuit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, inuit shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, inuit tribal militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, inuit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, inuit shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, inuit tribal militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, inuit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, inuit shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, inuit tribal militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, inuit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, inuit shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, inuit tribal militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, inuit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, inuit shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_inuit = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, inuit tribal militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, inuit hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, inuit shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Rocky Mountains declare_counter rockymountains_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter rockymountains_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chaco = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Shasta = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Taos = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 1 historic_event rockymountains_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chaco = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Montezuma_Castle = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cliff_Palace = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hopi_Settlement = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnemucca = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shasta = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Paiute_Settlement = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Taos = timurids set_counter rockymountains_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_SettlementUnderSiege Taos and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter taos_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Taos, denaina militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, denaina hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Taos, denaina shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter taos_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Cliff_Palace and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter cliff_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Cliff_Palace, denaina militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, denaina hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Cliff_Palace, denaina shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter cliff_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Chaco and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter chaco_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Chaco, denaina militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, denaina hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Chaco, denaina shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter chaco_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Montezuma_Castle and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter montezuma_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, denaina militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, denaina hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Montezuma_Castle, denaina shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter montezuma_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shasta and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter shasta_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Shasta, denaina militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, denaina hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Shasta, denaina shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter shasta_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Hopi_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter hopi_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, denaina militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, denaina hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Hopi_Settlement, denaina shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter hopi_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Winnemucca and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter winnemucca_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Winnemucca, denaina militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, denaina hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Winnemucca, denaina shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter winnemucca_siege 5 end_while end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Paiute_Settlement and I_CompareCounter rockymountains_denaina = 1 and I_CompareCounter paiute_siege < 1 while I_CompareCounter PT < 1 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, denaina militia, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, denaina hunters, num 2, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 create_unit Paiute_Settlement, denaina shamans, num 1, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 inc_counter PT 1 set_counter paiute_siege 5 end_while end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United California ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures California declare_counter california_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter california_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = denmark set_counter california_iceland 1 historic_event california_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = denmark set_counter california_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = denmark set_counter california_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = denmark set_counter california_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = denmark set_counter california_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = denmark set_counter california_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = denmark set_counter california_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures California declare_counter california_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter california_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = mongols set_counter california_apachean 1 historic_event california_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = mongols set_counter california_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = mongols set_counter california_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = mongols set_counter california_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = mongols set_counter california_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = mongols set_counter california_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = mongols set_counter california_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures California declare_counter california_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter california_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = milan and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = milan and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = milan and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = milan and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = milan set_counter california_cree 1 historic_event california_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = milan set_counter california_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = milan set_counter california_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = milan set_counter california_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = milan set_counter california_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = milan set_counter california_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = milan set_counter california_cree 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures California declare_counter california_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter california_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = hungary set_counter california_anishinaabe 1 historic_event california_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = hungary set_counter california_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = hungary set_counter california_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = hungary set_counter california_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = hungary set_counter california_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = hungary set_counter california_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = hungary set_counter california_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures California declare_counter california_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter california_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = egypt set_counter california_iroquois 1 historic_event california_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = egypt set_counter california_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = egypt set_counter california_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = egypt set_counter california_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = egypt set_counter california_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = egypt set_counter california_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = egypt set_counter california_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures California declare_counter california_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter california_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = moors and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = moors and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = moors and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = moors and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = moors set_counter california_beothuk 1 historic_event california_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = moors set_counter california_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = moors set_counter california_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = moors set_counter california_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = moors set_counter california_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = moors set_counter california_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = moors set_counter california_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures California declare_counter california_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter california_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = sicily set_counter california_mikmaq 1 historic_event california_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = sicily set_counter california_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = sicily set_counter california_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = sicily set_counter california_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = sicily set_counter california_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = sicily set_counter california_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = sicily set_counter california_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures California declare_counter california_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter california_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = byzantium set_counter california_anasazi 1 historic_event california_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = byzantium set_counter california_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = byzantium set_counter california_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = byzantium set_counter california_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = byzantium set_counter california_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = byzantium set_counter california_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = byzantium set_counter california_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures California declare_counter california_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter california_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = poland and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = poland and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = poland and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = poland and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = poland set_counter california_muscogee 1 historic_event california_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = poland set_counter california_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = poland set_counter california_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = poland set_counter california_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = poland set_counter california_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = poland set_counter california_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = poland set_counter california_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures California declare_counter california_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter california_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = scotland set_counter california_shoshone 1 historic_event california_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = scotland set_counter california_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = scotland set_counter california_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = scotland set_counter california_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = scotland set_counter california_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = scotland set_counter california_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = scotland set_counter california_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures California declare_counter california_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter california_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = turks and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = turks and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = turks and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = turks and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = turks set_counter california_sioux 1 historic_event california_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = turks set_counter california_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = turks set_counter california_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = turks set_counter california_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = turks set_counter california_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = turks set_counter california_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = turks set_counter california_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures California declare_counter california_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter california_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = hre and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = hre and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = hre and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = hre and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = hre set_counter california_navajo 1 historic_event california_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = hre set_counter california_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = hre set_counter california_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = hre set_counter california_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = hre set_counter california_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = hre set_counter california_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = hre set_counter california_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures California declare_counter california_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter california_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = venice and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = venice and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = venice and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = venice and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = venice set_counter california_tlingit 1 historic_event california_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = venice set_counter california_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = venice set_counter california_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = venice set_counter california_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = venice set_counter california_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = venice set_counter california_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = venice set_counter california_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures California declare_counter california_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter california_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = aztecs set_counter california_inuit 1 historic_event california_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = aztecs set_counter california_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = aztecs set_counter california_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = aztecs set_counter california_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = aztecs set_counter california_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = aztecs set_counter california_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = aztecs set_counter california_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures California declare_counter california_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter california_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter california_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = timurids set_counter california_denaina 1 historic_event california_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter california_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shoshone_Camp = timurids set_counter california_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ohlone_Settlement = timurids set_counter california_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Natinixwe = timurids set_counter california_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakama_Lands = timurids set_counter california_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Suquamish = timurids set_counter california_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter california_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nimiipuu = timurids set_counter california_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Cascadia ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = denmark set_counter cascadia_iceland 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_iceland true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { denmark, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = denmark set_counter cascadia_iceland 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = denmark set_counter cascadia_iceland 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = denmark set_counter cascadia_iceland 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = denmark set_counter cascadia_iceland 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = denmark set_counter cascadia_iceland 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = denmark set_counter cascadia_iceland 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = denmark set_counter cascadia_iceland 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = mongols set_counter cascadia_apachean 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_apachean true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { mongols, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = mongols set_counter cascadia_apachean 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = mongols set_counter cascadia_apachean 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = mongols set_counter cascadia_apachean 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = mongols set_counter cascadia_apachean 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = mongols set_counter cascadia_apachean 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = mongols set_counter cascadia_apachean 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = mongols set_counter cascadia_apachean 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = milan and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = milan and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = milan and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = milan and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = milan and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = milan and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = milan set_counter cascadia_cree 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_cree true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { milan, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = milan set_counter cascadia_cree 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = milan set_counter cascadia_cree 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = milan set_counter cascadia_cree 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = milan set_counter cascadia_cree 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = milan set_counter cascadia_cree 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = milan set_counter cascadia_cree 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = milan set_counter cascadia_cree 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = hungary set_counter cascadia_anishinaabe 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_anishinaabe true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { hungary, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = hungary set_counter cascadia_anishinaabe 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = hungary set_counter cascadia_anishinaabe 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = hungary set_counter cascadia_anishinaabe 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = hungary set_counter cascadia_anishinaabe 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = hungary set_counter cascadia_anishinaabe 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = hungary set_counter cascadia_anishinaabe 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = hungary set_counter cascadia_anishinaabe 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = egypt set_counter cascadia_iroquois 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_iroquois true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { egypt, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = egypt set_counter cascadia_iroquois 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = egypt set_counter cascadia_iroquois 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = egypt set_counter cascadia_iroquois 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = egypt set_counter cascadia_iroquois 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = egypt set_counter cascadia_iroquois 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = egypt set_counter cascadia_iroquois 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = egypt set_counter cascadia_iroquois 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = moors and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = moors and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = moors and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = moors and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = moors and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = moors and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = moors set_counter cascadia_beothuk 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_beothuk true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { moors, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = moors set_counter cascadia_beothuk 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = moors set_counter cascadia_beothuk 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = moors set_counter cascadia_beothuk 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = moors set_counter cascadia_beothuk 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = moors set_counter cascadia_beothuk 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = moors set_counter cascadia_beothuk 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = moors set_counter cascadia_beothuk 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = sicily set_counter cascadia_mikmaq 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_mikmaq true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { sicily, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = sicily set_counter cascadia_mikmaq 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = sicily set_counter cascadia_mikmaq 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = sicily set_counter cascadia_mikmaq 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = sicily set_counter cascadia_mikmaq 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = sicily set_counter cascadia_mikmaq 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = sicily set_counter cascadia_mikmaq 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = sicily set_counter cascadia_mikmaq 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = byzantium set_counter cascadia_anasazi 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_anasazi true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { byzantium, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = byzantium set_counter cascadia_anasazi 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = byzantium set_counter cascadia_anasazi 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = byzantium set_counter cascadia_anasazi 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = byzantium set_counter cascadia_anasazi 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = byzantium set_counter cascadia_anasazi 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = byzantium set_counter cascadia_anasazi 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = byzantium set_counter cascadia_anasazi 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = poland and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = poland and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = poland and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = poland and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = poland and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = poland and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = poland set_counter cascadia_muscogee 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_muscogee true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { poland, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = poland set_counter cascadia_muscogee 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = poland set_counter cascadia_muscogee 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = poland set_counter cascadia_muscogee 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = poland set_counter cascadia_muscogee 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = poland set_counter cascadia_muscogee 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = poland set_counter cascadia_muscogee 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = poland set_counter cascadia_muscogee 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = scotland set_counter cascadia_shoshone 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_shoshone true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { scotland, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = scotland set_counter cascadia_shoshone 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = scotland set_counter cascadia_shoshone 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = scotland set_counter cascadia_shoshone 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = scotland set_counter cascadia_shoshone 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = scotland set_counter cascadia_shoshone 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = scotland set_counter cascadia_shoshone 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = scotland set_counter cascadia_shoshone 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = turks and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = turks and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = turks and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = turks and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = turks and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = turks and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = turks set_counter cascadia_sioux 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_sioux true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { turks, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = turks set_counter cascadia_sioux 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = turks set_counter cascadia_sioux 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = turks set_counter cascadia_sioux 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = turks set_counter cascadia_sioux 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = turks set_counter cascadia_sioux 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = turks set_counter cascadia_sioux 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = turks set_counter cascadia_sioux 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = hre and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = hre and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = hre and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = hre and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = hre and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = hre and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = hre set_counter cascadia_navajo 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_navajo true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { hre, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = hre set_counter cascadia_navajo 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = hre set_counter cascadia_navajo 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = hre set_counter cascadia_navajo 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = hre set_counter cascadia_navajo 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = hre set_counter cascadia_navajo 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = hre set_counter cascadia_navajo 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = hre set_counter cascadia_navajo 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = venice and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = venice and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = venice and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = venice and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = venice and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = venice and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = venice set_counter cascadia_tlingit 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_tlingit true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { venice, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = venice set_counter cascadia_tlingit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = venice set_counter cascadia_tlingit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = venice set_counter cascadia_tlingit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = venice set_counter cascadia_tlingit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = venice set_counter cascadia_tlingit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = venice set_counter cascadia_tlingit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = venice set_counter cascadia_tlingit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = aztecs set_counter cascadia_inuit 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_inuit true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { aztecs, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = aztecs set_counter cascadia_inuit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = aztecs set_counter cascadia_inuit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = aztecs set_counter cascadia_inuit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = aztecs set_counter cascadia_inuit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = aztecs set_counter cascadia_inuit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = aztecs set_counter cascadia_inuit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = aztecs set_counter cascadia_inuit 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Cascadia declare_counter cascadia_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter cascadia_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter cascadia_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Gaw = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Tongass = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = timurids set_counter cascadia_denaina 1 set_counter new_world_forge 1 historic_event cascadia_denaina true historic_event new_world_forge true factions { timurids, } end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sheetka = timurids set_counter cascadia_denaina 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matilpi = timurids set_counter cascadia_denaina 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kwakiutl = timurids set_counter cascadia_denaina 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tsimshian = timurids set_counter cascadia_denaina 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Gaw = timurids set_counter cascadia_denaina 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tongass = timurids set_counter cascadia_denaina 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter cascadia_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Tulsequah = timurids set_counter cascadia_denaina 0 set_counter new_world_forge 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Upper Missouri ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = denmark set_counter missouri_iceland 1 historic_event missouri_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = denmark set_counter missouri_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = denmark set_counter missouri_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = denmark set_counter missouri_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = denmark set_counter missouri_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = denmark set_counter missouri_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = denmark set_counter missouri_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = denmark set_counter missouri_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType denmark and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_iceland = 1 add_money denmark 1000 end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = mongols set_counter missouri_apachean 1 historic_event missouri_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = mongols set_counter missouri_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = mongols set_counter missouri_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = mongols set_counter missouri_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = mongols set_counter missouri_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = mongols set_counter missouri_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = mongols set_counter missouri_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = mongols set_counter missouri_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType mongols and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_apachean = 1 add_money mongols 1000 end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = milan and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = milan and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = milan and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = milan set_counter missouri_cree 1 historic_event missouri_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = milan set_counter missouri_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = milan set_counter missouri_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = milan set_counter missouri_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = milan set_counter missouri_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = milan set_counter missouri_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = milan set_counter missouri_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = milan set_counter missouri_cree 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType milan and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_cree = 1 add_money milan 1000 end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = hungary set_counter missouri_anishinaabe 1 historic_event missouri_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = hungary set_counter missouri_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = hungary set_counter missouri_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = hungary set_counter missouri_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = hungary set_counter missouri_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = hungary set_counter missouri_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = hungary set_counter missouri_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = hungary set_counter missouri_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType hungary and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_anishinaabe = 1 add_money hungary 1000 end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = egypt set_counter missouri_iroquois 1 historic_event missouri_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = egypt set_counter missouri_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = egypt set_counter missouri_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = egypt set_counter missouri_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = egypt set_counter missouri_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = egypt set_counter missouri_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = egypt set_counter missouri_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = egypt set_counter missouri_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType egypt and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_iroquois = 1 add_money egypt 1000 end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = moors and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = moors and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = moors and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = moors set_counter missouri_beothuk 1 historic_event missouri_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = moors set_counter missouri_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = moors set_counter missouri_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = moors set_counter missouri_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = moors set_counter missouri_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = moors set_counter missouri_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = moors set_counter missouri_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = moors set_counter missouri_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType moors and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_beothuk = 1 add_money moors 1000 end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = sicily set_counter missouri_mikmaq 1 historic_event missouri_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = sicily set_counter missouri_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = sicily set_counter missouri_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = sicily set_counter missouri_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = sicily set_counter missouri_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = sicily set_counter missouri_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = sicily set_counter missouri_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = sicily set_counter missouri_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType sicily and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_mikmaq = 1 add_money sicily 1000 end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = byzantium set_counter missouri_anasazi 1 historic_event missouri_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = byzantium set_counter missouri_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = byzantium set_counter missouri_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = byzantium set_counter missouri_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = byzantium set_counter missouri_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = byzantium set_counter missouri_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = byzantium set_counter missouri_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = byzantium set_counter missouri_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType byzantium and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_anasazi = 1 add_money byzantium 1000 end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = poland and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = poland and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = poland and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = poland set_counter missouri_muscogee 1 historic_event missouri_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = poland set_counter missouri_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = poland set_counter missouri_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = poland set_counter missouri_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = poland set_counter missouri_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = poland set_counter missouri_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = poland set_counter missouri_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = poland set_counter missouri_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType poland and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_muscogee = 1 add_money poland 1000 end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = scotland set_counter missouri_shoshone 1 historic_event missouri_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = scotland set_counter missouri_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = scotland set_counter missouri_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = scotland set_counter missouri_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = scotland set_counter missouri_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = scotland set_counter missouri_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = scotland set_counter missouri_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = scotland set_counter missouri_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType scotland and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_shoshone = 1 add_money scotland 1000 end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = turks and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = turks and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = turks and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = turks set_counter missouri_sioux 1 historic_event missouri_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = turks set_counter missouri_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = turks set_counter missouri_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = turks set_counter missouri_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = turks set_counter missouri_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = turks set_counter missouri_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = turks set_counter missouri_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = turks set_counter missouri_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType turks and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_sioux = 1 add_money turks 1000 end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = hre and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = hre and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = hre and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = hre set_counter missouri_navajo 1 historic_event missouri_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = hre set_counter missouri_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = hre set_counter missouri_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = hre set_counter missouri_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = hre set_counter missouri_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = hre set_counter missouri_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = hre set_counter missouri_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = hre set_counter missouri_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType hre and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_navajo = 1 add_money hre 1000 end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = venice and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = venice and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = venice and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = venice set_counter missouri_tlingit 1 historic_event missouri_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = venice set_counter missouri_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = venice set_counter missouri_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = venice set_counter missouri_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = venice set_counter missouri_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = venice set_counter missouri_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = venice set_counter missouri_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = venice set_counter missouri_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType venice and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_tlingit = 1 add_money venice 1000 end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = aztecs set_counter missouri_inuit 1 historic_event missouri_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = aztecs set_counter missouri_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = aztecs set_counter missouri_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = aztecs set_counter missouri_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = aztecs set_counter missouri_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = aztecs set_counter missouri_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = aztecs set_counter missouri_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = aztecs set_counter missouri_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType aztecs and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_inuit = 1 add_money aztecs 1000 end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Upper Missouri declare_counter missouri_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter missouri_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter missouri_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = timurids set_counter missouri_denaina 1 historic_event missouri_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Goshute_Camp = timurids set_counter missouri_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moson_Kahni = timurids set_counter missouri_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Blackfoot_Camp = timurids set_counter missouri_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Absarokee_Camp = timurids set_counter missouri_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hidatsa_Lands = timurids set_counter missouri_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Saskatchewan = timurids set_counter missouri_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter missouri_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Comanche_Camp = timurids set_counter missouri_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event PostBattle FactionType timurids and WonBattle and I_EventCounter missouri_denaina = 1 add_money timurids 1000 end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Athabaska ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = denmark set_counter athabaska_iceland 1 historic_event athabaska_iceland true spawn_army faction denmark character random_name, named character, age 21, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit NE Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Spear Militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Viking Raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Peasant Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Norse Archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Dismounted Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Crossbowmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit Huscarls exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = denmark set_counter athabaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = denmark set_counter athabaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = denmark set_counter athabaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = denmark set_counter athabaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = denmark set_counter athabaska_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = mongols set_counter athabaska_apachean 1 historic_event athabaska_apachean true spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = mongols set_counter athabaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = mongols set_counter athabaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = mongols set_counter athabaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = mongols set_counter athabaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = mongols set_counter athabaska_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = milan and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = milan and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = milan and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = milan set_counter athabaska_cree 1 historic_event athabaska_cree true spawn_army faction milan character random_name, named character, age 21, x 147, y 39 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Cree Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit cree archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit masquegons exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit woodland hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oquimacans men at arms exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oquimacans men at arms exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = milan set_counter athabaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = milan set_counter athabaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = milan set_counter athabaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = milan set_counter athabaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = milan set_counter athabaska_cree 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = hungary set_counter athabaska_anishinaabe 1 historic_event athabaska_anishinaabe true spawn_army faction hungary character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Anishinaabe Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit potawatomi scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anishinaabe hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa skirmishers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ojibwa spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit odawa warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit petun wolf warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit petun wolf warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = hungary set_counter athabaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = hungary set_counter athabaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = hungary set_counter athabaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = hungary set_counter athabaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = hungary set_counter athabaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = egypt set_counter athabaska_iroquois 1 historic_event athabaska_iroquois true spawn_army faction egypt character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Iroquois Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroquois archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit warrior society exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit iroqouis spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit oneida warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = egypt set_counter athabaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = egypt set_counter athabaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = egypt set_counter athabaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = egypt set_counter athabaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = egypt set_counter athabaska_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = moors and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = moors and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = moors and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = moors set_counter athabaska_beothuk 1 historic_event athabaska_beothuk true spawn_army faction moors character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Beothuk Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk thieves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit red indians archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit beothuk pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war heralds exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit war heralds exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = moors set_counter athabaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = moors set_counter athabaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = moors set_counter athabaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = moors set_counter athabaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = moors set_counter athabaska_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = sicily set_counter athabaska_mikmaq 1 historic_event athabaska_mikmaq true spawn_army faction sicily character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Mikmaq Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq moose hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq archer militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit maliseet archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mikmaq warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit people of meductik exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit people of meductik exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = sicily set_counter athabaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = sicily set_counter athabaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = sicily set_counter athabaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = sicily set_counter athabaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = sicily set_counter athabaska_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = byzantium set_counter athabaska_anasazi 1 historic_event athabaska_anasazi true spawn_army faction byzantium character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Aztec Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi peasants exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anasazi spear throwers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hohokam archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mogollon warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit meso eagle warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit meso eagle warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = byzantium set_counter athabaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = byzantium set_counter athabaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = byzantium set_counter athabaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = byzantium set_counter athabaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = byzantium set_counter athabaska_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = poland and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = poland and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = poland and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = poland set_counter athabaska_muscogee 1 historic_event athabaska_muscogee true spawn_army faction poland character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Muscogee Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit chickasaw raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit muscogee hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mississippian archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit mound builders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit etowah warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit falcon dancers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit falcon dancers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = poland set_counter athabaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = poland set_counter athabaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = poland set_counter athabaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = poland set_counter athabaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = poland set_counter athabaska_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = scotland set_counter athabaska_shoshone 1 historic_event athabaska_shoshone true spawn_army faction scotland character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Shoshone Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit shoshone pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit yellowheads exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit badlands warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit badlands warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = scotland set_counter athabaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = scotland set_counter athabaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = scotland set_counter athabaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = scotland set_counter athabaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = scotland set_counter athabaska_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = turks and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = turks and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = turks and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = turks set_counter athabaska_sioux 1 historic_event athabaska_sioux true spawn_army faction turks character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Sioux Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux braves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit sioux archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit buffalo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie riders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit prairie riders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = turks set_counter athabaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = turks set_counter athabaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = turks set_counter athabaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = turks set_counter athabaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = turks set_counter athabaska_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = hre and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = hre and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = hre and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = hre set_counter athabaska_navajo 1 historic_event athabaska_navajo true spawn_army faction hre character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Navajo Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo men of spear exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo braves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit navajo braves exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = hre set_counter athabaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = hre set_counter athabaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = hre set_counter athabaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = hre set_counter athabaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = hre set_counter athabaska_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = venice and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = venice and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = venice and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = venice set_counter athabaska_tlingit 1 historic_event athabaska_tlingit true spawn_army faction venice character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Anjadi Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit commonal warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit tlingit infantry exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anjadi exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit anjadi exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = venice set_counter athabaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = venice set_counter athabaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = venice set_counter athabaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = venice set_counter athabaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = venice set_counter athabaska_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = aztecs set_counter athabaska_inuit 1 historic_event athabaska_inuit true spawn_army faction aztecs character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Inuit Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit tribal militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit spearmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit inuit archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic pathfinders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic men of spear exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic elders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit arctic elders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = aztecs set_counter athabaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = aztecs set_counter athabaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = aztecs set_counter athabaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = aztecs set_counter athabaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = aztecs set_counter athabaska_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Athabaska declare_counter athabaska_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter athabaska_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter athabaska_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Omineca = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = timurids set_counter athabaska_denaina 1 historic_event athabaska_denaina true spawn_army faction timurids character random_name, named character, age 21, x 90, y 102 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit Denaina Bodyguard exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina militia exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina warriors exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit denaina hunters exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit alaska hillmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ulchaga archers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of chihea exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of tulchina exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of raven exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit men of raven exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atikameg = timurids set_counter athabaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Dine_Camp = timurids set_counter athabaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Omineca = timurids set_counter athabaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kahntah = timurids set_counter athabaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter athabaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sunset_House = timurids set_counter athabaska_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Slavey Lake ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = denmark set_counter northlakes_iceland 1 historic_event northlakes_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = denmark set_counter northlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = denmark set_counter northlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = denmark set_counter northlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = denmark set_counter northlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = denmark set_counter northlakes_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = denmark set_counter northlakes_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType denmark and I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 increment_kings_purse denmark 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType denmark and I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 increment_kings_purse denmark 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType denmark and I_CompareCounter northlakes_iceland = 1 increment_kings_purse denmark 100 end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = mongols set_counter northlakes_apachean 1 historic_event northlakes_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = mongols set_counter northlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = mongols set_counter northlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = mongols set_counter northlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = mongols set_counter northlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = mongols set_counter northlakes_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = mongols set_counter northlakes_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 increment_kings_purse mongols 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 increment_kings_purse mongols 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter northlakes_apachean = 1 increment_kings_purse mongols 100 end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = milan and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = milan and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = milan and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = milan set_counter northlakes_cree 1 historic_event northlakes_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = milan set_counter northlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = milan set_counter northlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = milan set_counter northlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = milan set_counter northlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = milan set_counter northlakes_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = milan set_counter northlakes_cree 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType milan and I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 increment_kings_purse milan 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType milan and I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 increment_kings_purse milan 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType milan and I_CompareCounter northlakes_cree = 1 increment_kings_purse milan 100 end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = hungary set_counter northlakes_anishinaabe 1 historic_event northlakes_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = hungary set_counter northlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = hungary set_counter northlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = hungary set_counter northlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = hungary set_counter northlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = hungary set_counter northlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = hungary set_counter northlakes_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType hungary and I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 increment_kings_purse hungary 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType hungary and I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 increment_kings_purse hungary 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType hungary and I_CompareCounter northlakes_anishinaabe = 1 increment_kings_purse hungary 100 end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = egypt set_counter northlakes_iroquois 1 historic_event northlakes_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = egypt set_counter northlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = egypt set_counter northlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = egypt set_counter northlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = egypt set_counter northlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = egypt set_counter northlakes_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = egypt set_counter northlakes_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType egypt and I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 increment_kings_purse egypt 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType egypt and I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 increment_kings_purse egypt 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType egypt and I_CompareCounter northlakes_iroquois = 1 increment_kings_purse egypt 100 end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = moors and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = moors and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = moors and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = moors set_counter northlakes_beothuk 1 historic_event northlakes_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = moors set_counter northlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = moors set_counter northlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = moors set_counter northlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = moors set_counter northlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = moors set_counter northlakes_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = moors set_counter northlakes_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType moors and I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 increment_kings_purse moors 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType moors and I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 increment_kings_purse moors 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType moors and I_CompareCounter northlakes_beothuk = 1 increment_kings_purse moors 100 end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = sicily set_counter northlakes_mikmaq 1 historic_event northlakes_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = sicily set_counter northlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = sicily set_counter northlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = sicily set_counter northlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = sicily set_counter northlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = sicily set_counter northlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = sicily set_counter northlakes_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType sicily and I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 increment_kings_purse sicily 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType sicily and I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 increment_kings_purse sicily 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType sicily and I_CompareCounter northlakes_mikmaq = 1 increment_kings_purse sicily 100 end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = byzantium set_counter northlakes_anasazi 1 historic_event northlakes_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = byzantium set_counter northlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = byzantium set_counter northlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = byzantium set_counter northlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = byzantium set_counter northlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = byzantium set_counter northlakes_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = byzantium set_counter northlakes_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType byzantium and I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 increment_kings_purse byzantium 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType byzantium and I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 increment_kings_purse byzantium 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType byzantium and I_CompareCounter northlakes_anasazi = 1 increment_kings_purse byzantium 100 end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = poland and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = poland and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = poland and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = poland set_counter northlakes_muscogee 1 historic_event northlakes_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = poland set_counter northlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = poland set_counter northlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = poland set_counter northlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = poland set_counter northlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = poland set_counter northlakes_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = poland set_counter northlakes_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType poland and I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 increment_kings_purse poland 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType poland and I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 increment_kings_purse poland 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType poland and I_CompareCounter northlakes_muscogee = 1 increment_kings_purse poland 100 end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = scotland set_counter northlakes_shoshone 1 historic_event northlakes_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = scotland set_counter northlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = scotland set_counter northlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = scotland set_counter northlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = scotland set_counter northlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = scotland set_counter northlakes_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = scotland set_counter northlakes_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 increment_kings_purse scotland 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 increment_kings_purse scotland 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType scotland and I_CompareCounter northlakes_shoshone = 1 increment_kings_purse scotland 100 end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = turks and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = turks and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = turks and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = turks set_counter northlakes_sioux 1 historic_event northlakes_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = turks set_counter northlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = turks set_counter northlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = turks set_counter northlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = turks set_counter northlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = turks set_counter northlakes_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = turks set_counter northlakes_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType turks and I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 increment_kings_purse turks 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType turks and I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 increment_kings_purse turks 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType turks and I_CompareCounter northlakes_sioux = 1 increment_kings_purse turks 100 end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = hre and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = hre and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = hre and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = hre set_counter northlakes_navajo 1 historic_event northlakes_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = hre set_counter northlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = hre set_counter northlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = hre set_counter northlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = hre set_counter northlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = hre set_counter northlakes_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = hre set_counter northlakes_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 increment_kings_purse hre 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 increment_kings_purse hre 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType hre and I_CompareCounter northlakes_navajo = 1 increment_kings_purse hre 100 end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = venice and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = venice and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = venice and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = venice set_counter northlakes_tlingit 1 historic_event northlakes_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = venice set_counter northlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = venice set_counter northlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = venice set_counter northlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = venice set_counter northlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = venice set_counter northlakes_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = venice set_counter northlakes_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType venice and I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 increment_kings_purse venice 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType venice and I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 increment_kings_purse venice 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType venice and I_CompareCounter northlakes_tlingit = 1 increment_kings_purse venice 100 end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = aztecs set_counter northlakes_inuit 1 historic_event northlakes_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = aztecs set_counter northlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = aztecs set_counter northlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = aztecs set_counter northlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = aztecs set_counter northlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = aztecs set_counter northlakes_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = aztecs set_counter northlakes_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType aztecs and I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 increment_kings_purse aztecs 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType aztecs and I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 increment_kings_purse aztecs 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType aztecs and I_CompareCounter northlakes_inuit = 1 increment_kings_purse aztecs 100 end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Slavey Lake declare_counter northlakes_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter northlakes_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Chateh = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = timurids set_counter northlakes_denaina 1 historic_event northlakes_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chateh = timurids set_counter northlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Hunting_Camp = timurids set_counter northlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = timurids set_counter northlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Behchoko = timurids set_counter northlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Deh_Cho = timurids set_counter northlakes_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nonacho = timurids set_counter northlakes_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType timurids and I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 increment_kings_purse timurids 100 end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType timurids and I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 increment_kings_purse timurids 100 end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType timurids and I_CompareCounter northlakes_denaina = 1 increment_kings_purse timurids 100 end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Yukon ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = denmark set_counter yukon_iceland 1 historic_event yukon_iceland true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { denmark, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = denmark set_counter yukon_iceland 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = denmark set_counter yukon_iceland 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = denmark set_counter yukon_iceland 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = denmark set_counter yukon_iceland 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = denmark set_counter yukon_iceland 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = denmark set_counter yukon_iceland 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = mongols set_counter yukon_apachean 1 historic_event yukon_apachean true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { mongols, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = mongols set_counter yukon_apachean 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = mongols set_counter yukon_apachean 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = mongols set_counter yukon_apachean 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = mongols set_counter yukon_apachean 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = mongols set_counter yukon_apachean 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = mongols set_counter yukon_apachean 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = milan and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = milan and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = milan and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = milan and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = milan and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = milan set_counter yukon_cree 1 historic_event yukon_cree true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { milan, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = milan set_counter yukon_cree 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = milan set_counter yukon_cree 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = milan set_counter yukon_cree 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = milan set_counter yukon_cree 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = milan set_counter yukon_cree 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = milan set_counter yukon_cree 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = hungary set_counter yukon_anishinaabe 1 historic_event yukon_anishinaabe true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { hungary, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = hungary set_counter yukon_anishinaabe 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = hungary set_counter yukon_anishinaabe 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = hungary set_counter yukon_anishinaabe 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = hungary set_counter yukon_anishinaabe 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = hungary set_counter yukon_anishinaabe 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = hungary set_counter yukon_anishinaabe 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = egypt set_counter yukon_iroquois 1 historic_event yukon_iroquois true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { egypt, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = egypt set_counter yukon_iroquois 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = egypt set_counter yukon_iroquois 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = egypt set_counter yukon_iroquois 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = egypt set_counter yukon_iroquois 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = egypt set_counter yukon_iroquois 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = egypt set_counter yukon_iroquois 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = moors and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = moors and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = moors and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = moors and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = moors and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = moors set_counter yukon_beothuk 1 historic_event yukon_beothuk true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { moors, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = moors set_counter yukon_beothuk 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = moors set_counter yukon_beothuk 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = moors set_counter yukon_beothuk 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = moors set_counter yukon_beothuk 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = moors set_counter yukon_beothuk 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = moors set_counter yukon_beothuk 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = sicily set_counter yukon_mikmaq 1 historic_event yukon_mikmaq true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { sicily, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = sicily set_counter yukon_mikmaq 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = sicily set_counter yukon_mikmaq 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = sicily set_counter yukon_mikmaq 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = sicily set_counter yukon_mikmaq 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = sicily set_counter yukon_mikmaq 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = sicily set_counter yukon_mikmaq 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = byzantium set_counter yukon_anasazi 1 historic_event yukon_anasazi true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { byzantium, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = byzantium set_counter yukon_anasazi 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = byzantium set_counter yukon_anasazi 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = byzantium set_counter yukon_anasazi 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = byzantium set_counter yukon_anasazi 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = byzantium set_counter yukon_anasazi 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = byzantium set_counter yukon_anasazi 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = poland and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = poland and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = poland and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = poland and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = poland and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = poland set_counter yukon_muscogee 1 historic_event yukon_muscogee true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { poland, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = poland set_counter yukon_muscogee 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = poland set_counter yukon_muscogee 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = poland set_counter yukon_muscogee 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = poland set_counter yukon_muscogee 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = poland set_counter yukon_muscogee 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = poland set_counter yukon_muscogee 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = scotland set_counter yukon_shoshone 1 historic_event yukon_shoshone true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { scotland, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = scotland set_counter yukon_shoshone 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = scotland set_counter yukon_shoshone 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = scotland set_counter yukon_shoshone 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = scotland set_counter yukon_shoshone 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = scotland set_counter yukon_shoshone 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = scotland set_counter yukon_shoshone 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = turks and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = turks and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = turks and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = turks and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = turks and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = turks set_counter yukon_sioux 1 historic_event yukon_sioux true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { turks, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = turks set_counter yukon_sioux 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = turks set_counter yukon_sioux 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = turks set_counter yukon_sioux 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = turks set_counter yukon_sioux 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = turks set_counter yukon_sioux 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = turks set_counter yukon_sioux 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = hre and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = hre and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = hre and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = hre and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = hre and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = hre set_counter yukon_navajo 1 historic_event yukon_navajo true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { hre, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = hre set_counter yukon_navajo 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = hre set_counter yukon_navajo 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = hre set_counter yukon_navajo 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = hre set_counter yukon_navajo 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = hre set_counter yukon_navajo 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = hre set_counter yukon_navajo 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = venice and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = venice and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = venice and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = venice and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = venice and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = venice set_counter yukon_tlingit 1 historic_event yukon_tlingit true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { venice, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = venice set_counter yukon_tlingit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = venice set_counter yukon_tlingit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = venice set_counter yukon_tlingit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = venice set_counter yukon_tlingit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = venice set_counter yukon_tlingit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = venice set_counter yukon_tlingit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = aztecs set_counter yukon_inuit 1 historic_event yukon_inuit true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { aztecs, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = aztecs set_counter yukon_inuit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = aztecs set_counter yukon_inuit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = aztecs set_counter yukon_inuit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = aztecs set_counter yukon_inuit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = aztecs set_counter yukon_inuit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = aztecs set_counter yukon_inuit 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Yukon declare_counter yukon_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter yukon_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter yukon_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Yukon = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Mayo = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Sekani = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = timurids set_counter yukon_denaina 1 historic_event yukon_denaina true set_counter mineral_gathering 1 historic_event mineral_gathering true factions { timurids, } end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yukon = timurids set_counter yukon_denaina 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Mayo = timurids set_counter yukon_denaina 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Matanuska = timurids set_counter yukon_denaina 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nahanni = timurids set_counter yukon_denaina 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sekani = timurids set_counter yukon_denaina 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter yukon_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atna_Camp = timurids set_counter yukon_denaina 0 set_counter mineral_gathering 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Alaska ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = denmark set_counter alaska_iceland 1 historic_event alaska_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = denmark set_counter alaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = denmark set_counter alaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = denmark set_counter alaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = denmark set_counter alaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = denmark set_counter alaska_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = denmark set_counter alaska_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = mongols set_counter alaska_apachean 1 historic_event alaska_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = mongols set_counter alaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = mongols set_counter alaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = mongols set_counter alaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = mongols set_counter alaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = mongols set_counter alaska_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = mongols set_counter alaska_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = milan and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = milan and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = milan and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = milan and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = milan and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = milan set_counter alaska_cree 1 historic_event alaska_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = milan set_counter alaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = milan set_counter alaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = milan set_counter alaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = milan set_counter alaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = milan set_counter alaska_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = milan set_counter alaska_cree 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = hungary set_counter alaska_anishinaabe 1 historic_event alaska_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = hungary set_counter alaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = hungary set_counter alaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = hungary set_counter alaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = hungary set_counter alaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = hungary set_counter alaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = hungary set_counter alaska_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = egypt set_counter alaska_iroquois 1 historic_event alaska_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = egypt set_counter alaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = egypt set_counter alaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = egypt set_counter alaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = egypt set_counter alaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = egypt set_counter alaska_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = egypt set_counter alaska_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = moors and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = moors and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = moors and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = moors and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = moors and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = moors set_counter alaska_beothuk 1 historic_event alaska_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = moors set_counter alaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = moors set_counter alaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = moors set_counter alaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = moors set_counter alaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = moors set_counter alaska_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = moors set_counter alaska_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = sicily set_counter alaska_mikmaq 1 historic_event alaska_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = sicily set_counter alaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = sicily set_counter alaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = sicily set_counter alaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = sicily set_counter alaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = sicily set_counter alaska_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = sicily set_counter alaska_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = byzantium set_counter alaska_anasazi 1 historic_event alaska_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = byzantium set_counter alaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = byzantium set_counter alaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = byzantium set_counter alaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = byzantium set_counter alaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = byzantium set_counter alaska_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = byzantium set_counter alaska_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = poland and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = poland and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = poland and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = poland and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = poland and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = poland set_counter alaska_muscogee 1 historic_event alaska_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = poland set_counter alaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = poland set_counter alaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = poland set_counter alaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = poland set_counter alaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = poland set_counter alaska_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = poland set_counter alaska_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = scotland set_counter alaska_shoshone 1 historic_event alaska_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = scotland set_counter alaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = scotland set_counter alaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = scotland set_counter alaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = scotland set_counter alaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = scotland set_counter alaska_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = scotland set_counter alaska_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = turks and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = turks and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = turks and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = turks and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = turks and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = turks set_counter alaska_sioux 1 historic_event alaska_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = turks set_counter alaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = turks set_counter alaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = turks set_counter alaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = turks set_counter alaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = turks set_counter alaska_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = turks set_counter alaska_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = hre and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = hre and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = hre and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = hre and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = hre and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = hre set_counter alaska_navajo 1 historic_event alaska_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = hre set_counter alaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = hre set_counter alaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = hre set_counter alaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = hre set_counter alaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = hre set_counter alaska_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = hre set_counter alaska_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = venice and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = venice and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = venice and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = venice and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = venice and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = venice set_counter alaska_tlingit 1 historic_event alaska_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = venice set_counter alaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = venice set_counter alaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = venice set_counter alaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = venice set_counter alaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = venice set_counter alaska_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = venice set_counter alaska_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = aztecs set_counter alaska_inuit 1 historic_event alaska_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = aztecs set_counter alaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = aztecs set_counter alaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = aztecs set_counter alaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = aztecs set_counter alaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = aztecs set_counter alaska_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = aztecs set_counter alaska_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Alaska declare_counter alaska_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter alaska_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter alaska_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Atlin = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Chitina = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = timurids set_counter alaska_denaina 1 historic_event alaska_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Atlin = timurids set_counter alaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Yakutat = timurids set_counter alaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Chitina = timurids set_counter alaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Alaganik = timurids set_counter alaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kodiak = timurids set_counter alaska_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter alaska_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Denai_Camp = timurids set_counter alaska_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Manitoba ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 1 historic_event manitoba_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = denmark set_counter manitoba_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 1 historic_event manitoba_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = mongols set_counter manitoba_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = milan and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = milan and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = milan and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = milan and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = milan and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = milan and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 1 historic_event manitoba_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = milan set_counter manitoba_cree 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 1 historic_event manitoba_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = hungary set_counter manitoba_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 1 historic_event manitoba_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = egypt set_counter manitoba_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = moors and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = moors and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = moors and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = moors and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = moors and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = moors and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 1 historic_event manitoba_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = moors set_counter manitoba_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 1 historic_event manitoba_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = sicily set_counter manitoba_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 1 historic_event manitoba_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = byzantium set_counter manitoba_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = poland and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = poland and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = poland and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = poland and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = poland and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = poland and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 1 historic_event manitoba_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = poland set_counter manitoba_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 1 historic_event manitoba_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = scotland set_counter manitoba_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = turks and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = turks and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = turks and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = turks and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = turks and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = turks and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 1 historic_event manitoba_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = turks set_counter manitoba_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = hre and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = hre and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = hre and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = hre and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = hre and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = hre and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 1 historic_event manitoba_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = hre set_counter manitoba_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = venice and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = venice and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = venice and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = venice and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = venice and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = venice and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 1 historic_event manitoba_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = venice set_counter manitoba_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 1 historic_event manitoba_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = aztecs set_counter manitoba_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Manitoba declare_counter manitoba_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter manitoba_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Kenora = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Notigi = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 1 historic_event manitoba_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Cree_Camp = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wapawekka = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Nokomis = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Winnipeg = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Wabakimi = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kenora = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Notigi = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter manitoba_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Sapawe = timurids set_counter manitoba_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Region United Kangiqsualuk ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Iceland captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = denmark and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_iceland true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = denmark set_counter kangiqsualuk_iceland 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType denmark and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money denmark 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType denmark and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money denmark 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType denmark and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money denmark 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType denmark and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money denmark 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType denmark and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iceland = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money denmark 275 end_monitor ;;; Apache captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = mongols and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_apachean true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = mongols set_counter kangiqsualuk_apachean 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType mongols and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money mongols 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType mongols and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money mongols 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType mongols and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money mongols 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType mongols and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money mongols 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType mongols and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_apachean = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money mongols 275 end_monitor ;;; Cree captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_cree monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = milan and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = milan and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = milan and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = milan and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = milan and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = milan and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = milan and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_cree true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = milan set_counter kangiqsualuk_cree 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType milan and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money milan 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType milan and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money milan 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType milan and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money milan 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType milan and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money milan 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType milan and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_cree = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money milan 275 end_monitor ;;; Anishinaabe captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = hungary and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = hungary set_counter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hungary and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money hungary 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hungary and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money hungary 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hungary and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money hungary 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hungary and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money hungary 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hungary and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anishinaabe = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money hungary 275 end_monitor ;;; Iroquois captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = egypt and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_iroquois true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = egypt set_counter kangiqsualuk_iroquois 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType egypt and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money egypt 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType egypt and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money egypt 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType egypt and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money egypt 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType egypt and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money egypt 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType egypt and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_iroquois = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money egypt 275 end_monitor ;;; Beothuk captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = moors and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = moors and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = moors and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = moors and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = moors and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = moors and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = moors and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_beothuk true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = moors set_counter kangiqsualuk_beothuk 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType moors and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money moors 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType moors and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money moors 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType moors and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money moors 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType moors and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money moors 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType moors and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_beothuk = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money moors 275 end_monitor ;;; Mikmaq captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = sicily and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_mikmaq true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = sicily set_counter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType sicily and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money sicily 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType sicily and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money sicily 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType sicily and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money sicily 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType sicily and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money sicily 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType sicily and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_mikmaq = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money sicily 275 end_monitor ;;; Anasazi captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = byzantium and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_anasazi true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = byzantium set_counter kangiqsualuk_anasazi 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType byzantium and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money byzantium 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType byzantium and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money byzantium 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType byzantium and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money byzantium 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType byzantium and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money byzantium 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType byzantium and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_anasazi = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money byzantium 275 end_monitor ;;; Muscogee captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = poland and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = poland and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = poland and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = poland and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = poland and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = poland and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = poland and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_muscogee true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = poland set_counter kangiqsualuk_muscogee 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType poland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money poland 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType poland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money poland 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType poland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money poland 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType poland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money poland 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType poland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_muscogee = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money poland 275 end_monitor ;;; Shoshone captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = scotland and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_shoshone true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = scotland set_counter kangiqsualuk_shoshone 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType scotland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money scotland 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType scotland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money scotland 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType scotland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money scotland 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType scotland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money scotland 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType scotland and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_shoshone = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money scotland 275 end_monitor ;;; Sioux captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = turks and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = turks and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = turks and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = turks and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = turks and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = turks and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = turks and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_sioux true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = turks set_counter kangiqsualuk_sioux 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType turks and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money turks 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType turks and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money turks 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType turks and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money turks 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType turks and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money turks 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType turks and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_sioux = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money turks 275 end_monitor ;;; Navajo captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = hre and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = hre and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = hre and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = hre and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = hre and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = hre and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = hre and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_navajo true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = hre set_counter kangiqsualuk_navajo 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hre and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money hre 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hre and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money hre 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hre and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money hre 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hre and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money hre 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType hre and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_navajo = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money hre 275 end_monitor ;;; Tlingit captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = venice and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = venice and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = venice and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = venice and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = venice and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = venice and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = venice and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_tlingit true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = venice set_counter kangiqsualuk_tlingit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType venice and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money venice 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType venice and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money venice 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType venice and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money venice 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType venice and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money venice 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType venice and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_tlingit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money venice 275 end_monitor ;;; Inuit captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = aztecs and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_inuit true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = aztecs set_counter kangiqsualuk_inuit 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType aztecs and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money aztecs 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType aztecs and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money aztecs 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType aztecs and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money aztecs 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType aztecs and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money aztecs 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType aztecs and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_inuit = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money aztecs 275 end_monitor ;;; Denaina captures Kangiqsualuk declare_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 0 and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gardar = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Arviat = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = timurids and I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 1 historic_event kangiqsualuk_denaina true end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Moosonee = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ennadai = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Arviat = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Kivalliq = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Masquegon_Camp = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Shamattawa = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ogoki = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 0 end_if if I_CompareCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and not I_SettlementOwner Ojibwe_settlement = timurids set_counter kangiqsualuk_denaina 0 end_if end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType timurids and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and TrainedAgentType = spy add_money timurids 175 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType aztecs and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and TrainedAgentType = diplomat add_money aztecs 125 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType timurids and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and TrainedAgentType = priest add_money timurids 100 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType timurids and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and TrainedAgentType = assassin add_money timurids 250 end_monitor monitor_event AgentCreated FactionType timurids and I_EventCounter kangiqsualuk_denaina = 1 and TrainedAgentType = merchant add_money timurids 275 end_monitor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Apachean exodus ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; declare_counter exodus monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal set_counter exodus 0 terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CompareCounter exodus = 0 and I_TurnNumber = 165 historic_event apachean_exodus_warning true terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal and I_CompareCounter exodus = 0 and I_TurnNumber = 167 set_counter exodus 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter exodus = 0 and not I_SettlementOwner Apache_Camp = mongols set_counter exodus 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart not FactionIsLocal and FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter exodus = 0 and I_NumberOfSettlements mongols < 3 set_counter exodus 1 end_monitor monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter exodus = 1 set_faction_standing mongols denmark -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols portugal -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols milan -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols hungary -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols egypt -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols moors -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols sicily -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols normans -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols poland -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols byzantium -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols turks -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols scotland -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols hre -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols spain -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols venice -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols aztecs -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols timurids -1.0 set_faction_standing mongols papal_states -1.0 historic_event apachean_exodus true spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 76, y 136 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 83, y 138 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 74, y 138 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 76, y 140 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 78, y 142 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 74, y 134 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 75, y 135 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 77, y 137 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 79, y 139 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 78, y 138 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end terminate_monitor end_monitor monitor_event OccupySettlement FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter exodus = 1 increment_kings_purse mongols 1000 historic_event apachean_expansion_assimilation true spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 78, y 138 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event SackSettlement FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter exodus = 1 increment_kings_purse mongols 2000 historic_event apachean_expansion_greed true spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 80, y 138 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor monitor_event ExterminatePopulation FactionType mongols and I_CompareCounter exodus = 1 increment_kings_purse mongols 1000 historic_event apachean_expansion_cruel true spawn_army faction mongols character random_name, named character, age 21, x 78, y 140 traits GoodCommander 4 , LoyaltyStarter 1, GoodAdministrator 1 ,Loyal 2, ReligionStarter 1 unit War Chief exp 5 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean scouts exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean raiders exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit apachean brave exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit rabbit boys exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit dog soldiers exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit ondes men exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit koitsenko exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 unit hatchetmen exp 4 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0 end end_monitor wait_monitors end_script