{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil Calibri;}} {\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f0\fs22\lang9 Cornell University \f1\endash Cornell University is one of the eight universities of the famous Ivy League. The university's motto has long been "I would find an institution where any person can find instruction in any study", which accurately reflects the specifics of the university \endash a fundamental approach to teaching students, in which the same time is devoted to postulates and the latest research, the study of theory and practice.\par \par Features of the education system at Cornell University\par The internal system of Cornell University is characterized by a fairly strong decentralization \endash each college has broad autonomy in its actions, policies and curriculum development. This system was later borrowed by a number of other well\endash known universities - Stanford University, the University of Sydney, Birningham University.\par Like all Ivy League members, Cornell University is one of the leading universities in the USA and around the world. During its long history, many discoveries have been made in the laboratories of the university (as recently as in 2014, a Cornell University scientist received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for creating an ultra-sensitive microscope), and sponsorship is carried out not only through private provision, but also state grants.\par The competition for admission to Cornell University is one of the most intense \endash only 14% of the students who applied managed to enroll in 2013. But the rating is out\par \par Arrangement of Cornell University\par Cornell University consists of three main campuses in the cities of Ithaca, New York and Doha (Qatar). Additional campuses are located in Washington, Geneva (New York State) and Rome (Italy). The New York and Doha campuses are part of Cornell University Medical College, while the main campus in Ithaca is dedicated to the remaining specialties.\par Cornell University has a system of sports facilities and facilities for the development of sports teams in baseball, basketball, football, golf, hockey, lacrosse, polo, weightlifting and athletics, softball, swimming, tennis, wrestling, sword fighting, rowing and yachting.\par As a member of the Ivy League, the university participates in interuniversity championships in all sports disciplines taught at the sports center. The events are held throughout the year and attract a lot of spectators, both from among students and local residents.\par In addition to sports development opportunities, un\par \par \par Interesting facts about Cornell University\par One of the most notable and recognizable structures of Cornell University is the Weil Medical College in Qatar. Its two main rooms have the shape of an ellipsoid on small "legs". $750 million was allocated from the state budget for the construction of this structure.\par The Cornell University Library was the first in the entire United States in which books and other materials were allowed to borrow at home.\par University life is full of traditional holidays for students, such as Slope Day, marking the last day of classes in the semester (in 2005, rapper Snoop Dogg performed on this holiday), and Dragon Day, celebrated since 1901: during the holiday, a parade with a dragon built by architectural students is held, and then solemnly burned.\par Cornell University is rich in various legends, traditions and legends. There is even a separate term for all this \endash Cornelliana. One of the most famous legends of the university is the legend\par \f0\par }