{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1251\deff0\deflang1049{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang1033\f0\fs22 Do you think there is no worse thing than to find yourself on a desert island? Then, you are wrong. The most horrible thing in the whole world is to find yourself out of cigarettes when you are nervous or just want to relax and smoke a bit! But we live in the 21st century and you needn't to die from tobacco starvation having no time to visit neighboring shop or just being too lazy to do it. Having a computer makes it much easier now.\par Why it's better to buy cigarettes online? At first this way doesn't take much time. You just open your browser, visit our site and make an order. You can see every brand there. Can your neighboring market boast that it has all the brands there? And our e-shop can. You can choose from any world famous and some not so well-known but tidy brands. Clicking the brand you see its image, read about its characteristics and find out its price per any amount. Also our customers can choose cigarettes produced in different countries. Try to ask a shop assistant all this information and he'll be sure unable to give the full answer. He just take money from you and give you something, he doesn't care if you like it. Easy navigation of our site provides you an opportunity to choose goods you really want: slim and king size, flavoured and classic, big or little packs. Tell us what you want and we will provide you with it.\par Another advantage of buying cigarettes online is their price. It became obvious since e-commerce had emerged that buying goods online is much cheaper than in any usual shop. Just think a bit: when buying a pack of cigarettes in a supermarket you pay taxes, salesman's salary, surcharges, rent, insurance and transportation. Are you really want to do it?\par Online shops work with manufacturers without mediators, we needn't warehouses and to keep a lot of service staff. It makes our price cheaper and give us an opportunity to make a discount for our returning customers and to work with any of our clients personally. For most smokers it is the main reason why they buy cigarettes online via the Internet. The economy is evident, especially when you buy a box, for instance, of eighteen cartoons splitting the check with your friends. Save your money, don't be a milking cow for chain stores!\par If you want to buy cigarettes online you will get a great choice of brands: from Marlboro to Rothmans, from Camel to Bond. We have an impressive collection of brands and some of our goods aren't so easy to find in the Internet, that's why smokers order cigarettes from us. \par And of course our customers can be sure that their personal information will not be reported to any third persons. Buying cigarettes on our site is safer, easier and cheaper than anywhere else. Right now you can join the people who have already used our service and got satisfied. Don't let anybody disturb you to enjoy, take everything, do anything.\par }